Little update!

Apr 17, 2009 22:46

Hey flist !
I just got an email from lostashleighsaying I got a nudge and I should make a post, so I am!
I was actually going to post on LJ over my spring break last week, but I had no time whatsoever. :)
Anyways, I'm just filling everyone in on why I'm rarely on, it's been 6 weeks since I've posted!
Here's a few things that's been going on...
1. I recently got a new computer with barley anything on it so i don't have Vegas to make videos or I don't have my old files yet, but we're still transferring them, but the computer is soo soo fast and clear, I love it!
2. School has been majorly tough, espeically in Health/Phys.Ed. class, we have to prepare for our big biatholon, we have to run 16 laps or a mile, and 36 widths in the pool. Jeeez, I am soo scared! Does anyone have maybe any suggestions on how to get in good shape? hehehe. It's probably near the end of May when I have to do this. :/
3. My birthday is coming up in about 10 days!! :D :D
4. I've been having some family issues at home, especially with my mom, she's been having some major health concerns that have been affecting me and my family very much, we've been up and down and up and down constanty these past few weeks. She's been quite depressed and then she is in high spirits sometimes, it's hard to see her sad, but I know we'll get through it.
5. I'm very into "Eternal Sunshine of the Spottless Mind", I made a NEW header for it/ new userpic!!
6. Over spring break, I went to Florida! It was so wonderful, it sort of reminded me of Lost I guess.. with the palm trees, hehe.
7. I am gonna try to get back into vidding ASAP c:

Anyways, love you flist, *big hugs and high fives* Hallelujah for the weekend!
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