And In No Particular Order!
Brother & Dad
Dad & Uncle
Bro's G/F & Dad
Many small rabid children
Me + 3 bro's 2 bro's g/f and Dad
Dead Stoat in a trap
Dead stoat in a trap take two (with ranger Vic and dog Cassie)
Granparents and pressies
Biggest brother Dax
Lil' bro & friend
Kauri tree
Kiwi's burrow
Me as Rudolph on xmas day
Dave & Vicks "help" with the Hangi
The 'Boys' uncover the Hangi
my two sis'n'laws chatting and drinking
Vicks trying to clean up
Vicks posing
Pretty Toadstool
My niece T
My Nephew Zeke
Dave & Vicks in Whangamata
Vicks & Me outside Whitiangi or something!