I'm taking a Gender and Sexuality online this semester, and right now we are discussing hermaphodites and thier different classifications. Below is what one girl wrote in response to our reading. Below that is my response to her being completly retarded.
Forum: Article Discussion: What is Sex? What is Gender? How Many Genders are there? - Week 2 - 1/22-28
Date: 01-24-2005 18:53
Author: stupid girl's name
Subject Articles: My GOD it is just a birth defect !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111
My God I do not understand what was and is so difficult to understand about these articles they paint a very descriptive and well constructed organized picture of what people with these "BIRTH DEFECTS " have to go through. I do not understand the big deal with THE FIVE SEXES there are no five sexes it's just blown way out of of context. Millions of people are born with defects that are life altering to them and their families. But to make a huge deal out of this is just out right stupid. Perfect example there are albinos born daily so does that mean that we need to make a new race of people? Than all applications should read; Black, White, Hispanic, Albino and Other? What is this, why can't people just deal with the fact that things don't always go the way you want them to. In America we cry, and complain, everyone wants to be politically correct and baby every body and every group of people. Well life does not work that way. So for every person that is born with 12 fingers, with their hearts on the outside of their chest, or with a cleft palate, one leg way shorter than the other, "little people", their organs placed on the wrong side of their body, with no arms, no legs, no hands, should we create a new human species to place them in. Should we have The Missing Limb Law or Coalition enacted today. Things happen and they happen for a reason, lets no make a huge deal over it. Just as there are people born with that extra chromosome are we going to stop calling them human beings, do they no longer fit into the neat realms of the Constitution of The United States. When did we sell out when did we give up and become such a nation that has to make special catergories for people, OHHHHHH probably when I stopped being counted as 1/3 of a human being because of my color not race but because of my color. Now we have to be classified as African, Caucasian, Hispanic or European Americans, this class system is getting very foolish. In reading my Life as an Intersexual, yes very well written but did this individual think that they could have been born with taysacs disease and dies shortly after their second birthday. Yes, it is something major to deal with but do we really need to create a catergory? REALLY? Come on "DOOMED TO A LIFE OF MISERY" yeah right ask that little Eastern Othodoxed Jewish baby that lives his days in pain as his parents pick out the perfect coffin (pine box) for there sweet little two year old to lay in rest in. Threre are two sexes and those that are born with sexual defects but to start their own category what a waste but it could not happen in a better country America the wasteful, of money, time, energy and food.
Forum: Article Discussion: What is Sex? What is Gender? How Many Genders are there? - Week 2 - 1/22-28
Date: 01-26-2005 20:10
Author: Brecher, Alexis J
Subject chill out....
I think that you are missing the point. Maybe the reason that these various sections of gender are named is to give those born with ambiguous genitalia something to relate to or call their own. I am 100% female right now, but if tomorrow I woke up with a penis, no breasts, and my ovaries still intact and producing eggs, I would be a bit in the dark about my gender. It would be nice to know that there are other people like me, and that I could call myself something less insulting then a birth defect.
Another thing that Americans like to do is to divide everything into nice little groups. We like things simple and quick so that we don't have to think about it and disturb ourselves with details. Unfortunately for Americans, intersexed people have everything to do with details. We define women by a uterus, vaginas, and breasts, and men by their penis, testicles, and sperm. Intersexed people are a mix of these things and, because they are people, they deserve the courtesy of our attention to their detail.
Gender is a main identifier in our society. Depending on how they were raised and how they have grown, gender is something in which a person can take great pride or great shame. Defining oneself through gender is something every person goes through and, whether we like it or not, is part of our culture. If we try to simplify gender into two black and white groups, then we are denying the intersexed the ability to form a comfortable identity; we would, subsequently, be forcing them to choose one part of themselves over another, just to placate our own laziness and lack of understanding.