xi_rpg application

Oct 28, 2009 23:48

AGE: In my twenties
EMAIL ADDRESS: evil_wild_lex at yahoo dot com
OTHER CHARACTERS: Giselle Vanderhall, Ulquiorra Cifer

NAME: Desdemona Rosalind Devlin (if she absolutely has to use a real name, however, she drops her first name and goes by Rosalind Devlin)
SERIES/SOURCE: Teen Titans animated universe
AGE: 15
GENDER: Female

BACKGROUND: Some people are born lucky. Some people are lucky to be born. Jinx was in the latter category. She was an accident, and despite her mother's irresponsibility during her pregnancy, Jinx managed to be born a mostly healthy although somewhat underweight baby. Jinx's parents adored renaissance faires, and they gave her Shakespearean names that they thought were pretty. Jinx grew up hating her name, and requested that she be called Rosalind in elementary school since it at least sounded semi-normal. Resentment of her parents' choice in names aside, she was happy. Her parents cultivated a love of books and fantasy in her, and she proved herself to be a talented artist and a good student the majority of the time.

Jinx's powers manifested on a plane when she was twelve. The engine failed and as the plane began its sudden rapid descent, Jinx's parents and several other passengers noticed that her previously hazel eyes were glowing bright pink. "We're all gonna die because of that mutie!" one passenger declared before the plane crashed. Jinx was the sole survivor of the crash, and was haunted by the belief that she'd caused the crash. In reality, the plane hadn't been maintained on schedule due to airline cutbacks, and it was Jinx's powers that had saved her. She was still badly injured and spent two weeks in the hospital recovering. While in the hospital, her brown hair fell out, and pink hair began growing in its place. A few months later, Jinx had accidentally broken appliances owned by several different sets of foster parents and she became increasingly hard to place in foster care. Eventually, a year after the plane crash, one man said he'd take the "bad luck" girl in when no one else would. He claimed that he'd had mutants in foster care before without a problem. Desperate for a place to put her, the foster care officials quickly agreed. His credentials showed that he had a teaching degree, and that was good enough for them.

Shortly after he took her in, the man instructed Jinx to call him by his "real" name - Brother Blood. He explained that he was a mutant as well and introduced her to several other young people with powers. He informed her that he was a teacher who would help ensure that she was looked upon with respect rather than revulsion. In reality, his goal was to have the students commit crimes, and he hoped to use them to earn himself a place in the Hellfire club. Over time, Jinx came to realize that she wasn't getting the respect she wanted at all, and that she was nothing more than a juvenile delinquent who could give other people bad luck. When she received an invitation to come to the Xavier Institute, she gave it some thought and decided it was a better place for her.

PERSONALITY: Although Jinx likes to project a "bad girl" image, there's a lot more to her than that. Jinx is an ambitious young woman who wants to be special. She knows she's not ordinary and that she's capable of quite a bit. Jinx is not lazy. If she thinks something is worth achieving, she will put in a lot of effort to achieve her goals. She's not afraid to step on people who get in her way, but what she won't admit is that she'd prefer to avoid that if it's at all possible. One of Jinx's best kept secrets is that she's a nicer person than she pretends to be. Jinx pretends to only like things that are dark and evil, but she's secretly a fan of fantasy and fairy tales. The sketchbook she hides in her closet is filled with drawings of unicorns, fairies, flowers, and adorably cute animals.

Jinx is a troubled person who believes that she's bad luck. For a while, she believed she could only ever be trouble and let herself fall into the role. However, she's recently decided that just maybe, she could do better than that. She still holds the belief that she's bad luck and it's hard to shake her from that as it's been deep routed into her psyche. She is trying to grow, though. Jinx is hoping for a role model she can look up to, and she hopes to be a person that other people look up to and respect. She just doesn't really know how to be that person just yet.

APPEARANCE: Jinx has a slight build. Her build consists of skin, bone, some lean muscle mass from regular exercise, and just enough curves to show that yes, she is a girl and has gone through puberty. Jinx's skin is very pale, although her cheeks sometimes flush light pink if she's pleased about something or embarrassed. Her eyes are pink and slitted like a cat's, and they often glow bright pink when she's using her powers. Her hair is also pink, and styled in a short style that points upward in two points - they look vaguely like horns. Jinx's warddrobe is very modern-goth, and looks like she raided Hot Topic for the bulk of it. Her favorite colors to wear are purple and black, and this color theme rings true for most of her clothing.

POWERS: Probability manipulation. Typically, Jinx uses her abilities to cause bad luck. Machines will break, people will trip, etc. after being hit by a wave of her bad luck energy. What she's currently unaware of is that she is able to manipulate probability in her favour to give herself good luck. Any uses of this side of her powers have been completely subconscious, and mostly has involved minimizing damage to herself and occasionally escaping harm all together. She can only control the bursts of bad luck energy, currently, being unaware of the flipside of her power. The good luck tends to manifest largely as an "eye of the storm" phenomenon, leading Jinx to believe that she's simply immune to the effects of her powers.

ANYTHING ELSE?: Jinx hates her real name. She refuses to be called by anything but Jinx, and the name's given her an irrational hatred of Shakespearean works.

First-person sample: [Locked to staff] I'm sure everyone's got access to my official records, and if not, I know there's telepaths on staff. So I'd like to make a request. Please call me Jinx. And if you absolutely have to call me by my birth name, please drop the first name. I'm not too fond of it, and you wouldn't be either if your first name was Desdemona. So either Jinx, or if you've got something against calling people by codenames, Rosalind. Thanks. [/staff]

I guess this is the part where I say 'hi'. Hi. I'm Jinx. I didn't think I'd find so many mutants under one roof, or that there'd even be a roof left with this many teenage mutants in close quarters. Life's full of surprises, isn't it?

Third-person sample:

Jinx had paused from unpacking her things in her new room at the Xavier Institute long enough to head to the cafeteria to have something to eat. When she returned, she noticed something rather...distressing. Although nothing was missing, a few of her things had been moved from where she last left them. While she wondered who exactly had the nerve to touch her stuff without asking, Jinx's eyes fell on her sketchbook. It was sitting out on her bed. Open. Showing the page of her latest drawing - a mother unicorn with her baby. Cheeks flushing, she shut the book, hastily shoved it under her bed, and looked around for the person responsible. Her eyes glowed bright pink in fury as she stalked through the hallways looking for someone who might have been peeking.

Someone knew her secret. And that someone was going to get a very definite warning to keep out of her room and to keep their mouth shut about her personal belongings. Now, if only she knew who was responsible. However, the person seemed to be nowhere in sight.

"AAARGH." She let out a frustrated little shriek. This was not a promising start to her days at the Xavier Institute.
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