three hundred and nine

Dec 27, 2008 07:02

I've had nothing to say for about a month, I guess. It's funny, because I've felt so wildly out of control busy. Still, nothing ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

candrodor December 27 2008, 17:43:35 UTC
You wonderful wonderful person. :)


jinxeh December 28 2008, 01:29:00 UTC


flamer_ohr December 27 2008, 23:14:44 UTC
Hope you've had a good holiday Jinxy
Also, remember there's always a way to cheer up...
fat-free oil! enough said


jinxeh December 28 2008, 01:32:25 UTC
I had a really good holiday, Flamer. (But they're still going on!) :)
No need for me to cheer up, I'm happy happy. Fat-free oil, you say...

That's a weird way to cheer up, but I'll take it. ;D


candrodor December 28 2008, 10:46:18 UTC
oh god, I wish. I had a doughnut yesterday and I swear, overnight it had ooooozed so much oil. That said, it was a Christmas minty chocolate one, so can you blame it?


jinxeh December 28 2008, 12:03:30 UTC
I hear Krispy Kreme has this relatively new "lower calorie" doughnut. Looks delicious, but something about a low calorie doughnut sounds unnatural to me.


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