Abortion: for or against?
For. Provided we're talking early-term sorts of abortions. I think that women who consider getting an abortion should be told the risks, just like any other medical procedure. I think that it's something that should also require consultation for, as it's kind of a big deal. But yeah, let women decide these kinds of things. If you don't want an abortion, you don't have to have one. It's not like the pro-choice people are running you around making people have abortions, but the pro-life people are saying you can't have one.
Would our country fall with a woman president?
Certainly not. Gender isn't really an issue here. It's about leadership skills, wisdom, and the ability to properly assess and deal with a situation. Shit, we've had a dancing monkey for a president and we're not dead yet. I think we'd be alright with a woman president. Not Hilary though, she's dirtier than the bottom of an ashtray. Let's have a half-black dude first, ok?
Do you believe in the death penalty?
This is kind of tricky. I think that if there was ever a chance that the court system could be wrong, the death penalty is not an option as it could kill those who are innocent. That is to say, it's wrong. On the other hand, there are people who cannot be fixed with the prison system and it does none of us no good to not put down someone who is a violent murderer with a house full of bodies. I think the criteria for the death penalty should be tightened, to make a compromise.
Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already?
And a lot of other things.
Are you for or against premarital sex?
I'm for better sexual education to begin with. If we could properly tell teenagers how our bodies work in that aspect we would have less issue with premarital sex. Co-incidentally, I think things like condoms and the morning after pill should be readily accessible. It's not encouraging premarital sex, that's preventing her parents from trying to sneak her in the back door of the abortion clinic while her friends are protesting out front.
Do you believe in God?
This is complicated. I have a patron deity, but not in the anthropomorphized 'god is your magical sky buddy' way; it's more along the lines of a symbol and focus. I think the marvelous order of the world around us is a spark of the divine in all places at once.
Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized?
Why is it still illegal again? I don't see what is so offensive about treating people with the same rights you take for granted.
Do you think its wrong that so many Hispanics are moving to the USA?
Yeah, just like those damn white people did a few hundred years ago. Seriously though, this is a goddamned mess. We have the rich white guys saying that we can't let this happen, and then they turn around and use immigrants, illegal or otherwise, for cheap labor they don't have to treat well. A good portion of that money ends up leaving the country, which weakens the economy in the long run.
Here's an idea -- how about we put more emphasis on the border and on the people that make the country attractive for immigrants? We look for ways to deal with the issue of a bunch of people that we just can't uproot and send away once we deal with the hydra's heads that makes this possible in the first place.
A 12 year old girl has a baby. Should she keep it?
Oh god. There's no reason for that to ever happen. I feel sorry for the girl and her parents. Woe be unto the bastard who got her pregnant, as this is one of the few situations I *do* think the death penalty should be used in. As for her keeping it, it depends on what the family can do. I'd rather prefer the baby to not be aborted if it's late term, and be taken care of by family if possible. If it's early term, don't let that poor girl go through that if she doesn't have to.
Should the alcohol age be lowered to 18?
Yes. No hard alcohol until 21 though. Move the driving age up to 18 while you're at it. Give out licenses to underaged drivers, but give them stipulations like enforcing curfew and such.
Should the war in Iraq be called off?
I hate seeing such a completely fucking pointless waste of human life, but we've also done so much damage over there that infrastructure needs to fixed up so the whole country doesn't end up like certain parts of Africa. It's complicated.
Do you believe in spanking your children?
To a point. I don't think it should be continued when the child understands rules, consistency, and proper behavior out of a person. And you'll reach that a lot faster if you talk to your kids and keep a level head rather than smacking them whenever they piss you off.
Would you burn an American flag for a million dollars?
Easy money. The flag is just a symbol. I dislike how it's lost it's power as a symbol and become a holy object itself. I think that itself is a fitting symbol that we as a country clung to ideals no matter how worn out and broken they are. Things that are tired and broken should be put to rest in reverence, and replaced with newer more functional ones. Old flags are supposed to be retired with fire, after all.
A mother is declared innocent after murdering her 5 children in a temporary insanity case. What do you think?
This is unfortunate. There should be some recourse to those actions. Obviously years of therapy are a start.
Are you afraid others will judge you from reading some of your answers?
And I'm happy to discuss these things and why I answered them the way I did, provided it doesn't turn into a shouting match. Remember, these are just my opinions.
Edit:I think I used just about the best damn day possible to use my right to free speech.