I guess I can make a quick update while stuff is installing.
Stupid computer being stupid, how the hell does ethernet stop working? Anyways...
Went to Kerrie's wedding last weekend. It's crazy seeing someone you remember from grade school getting married. I'm glad she's so happy... but it makes me feel old. Once myspace lets me add pictures again i'll finish putting everything up.
Hung out with Carla and the gang on saturday, and i've realized something - My Cannibal Corpse hoodie has a curse. Everytime I drink when wearing it, I get sick as hell. The Dir en Grey concert, Cinco and this weekend. I had a good time, but goddamn did I feel it in the morning. Carla's brother was pretty damn cool, he gave me a Metal Blade DVD and we sat around listening to poison idea. Same as Kerrie's wedding, pictures will be on myspace soon.
(Great, and now I can't find my Nero CD, which I need to burn something... my luck sucks tonight.)
School isn't going too well. I've decided that Networking isn't for me, and i'm thinking about going back to programming, but I screwed up in that too. There's more to it, but I should get back to getting everything running on here. Night.