Mustn't take up too much room on a friends page!
Anyways, out of boredom I suppose I'll post what I've been playing lately, along with some opinions. Why? Cause I have nothing better to do.
Manhunt - PS2
Catie bought this for me when it first came out, and I just couldn't get into it. We returned it and got something else. Picked it up from Karl a few months back and decided to give it another try. It's not too bad this time. I've been abusing some factors alot, like running up to someone, running away and waiting for them to come back where I hit so I can take them out, but it's still fun. Too bad there aren't more variations on kills. But it's always satisfying to see a level 3 bat kill :D
Elebits - Wii
Bought it when it came out and hadn't really touched it until a few nights ago. It's been fun throwing stuff around, and intense when I'm trying my best to keep objects from smashing on the floor (I've literally caught a plates just before they hit). The only problem is that i've heard it's short, and I have no reason to bother with best times and such.
Jeanne D'arc - PSP
This may be a strategy game I finish. It's easy enough to rank up in, and I love the support features. Story has been interesting so far too. Only problem is that I like to play a battle completely through, and it's not too often that I really want to play for that darn long.
Silent Hill Origins - PSP
Bought this so Jeff and I can play through it over at his house on his TV. He even bought me the PSP to TV cable just so I'd buy the game. I enjoyed what I got to play, and I really like the battle system. It's definitely gone to more about fighting as opposed to running, but I'm good at running away :D
Final Fantasy 3 - DS
So far so good! Just got my 4th character, but I haven't even gotten to the part where I can start using jobs. Nothing like a standard battle system, sometimes I get sick of all the extra crap RPGs offer these days.
Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker - Gamecube
I've been playing this one at Catie's. It's very rare that I get into a Zelda game, I think I've only beaten 2 of them in my entire life (LTTP and Link's Awakening). But this one is pretty good. The stealth area towards the beginning was annoying, but once I get into the battles I enjoy myself.
I think that's it! Besides playing 3rd Strike from time to time. Guess I'll play a bit more Manhunt and get some sleep. Night!