Long boring post, but it's an update dammit!

Mar 08, 2008 22:42

Plenty of stuff going on, I'll even break it up before the cut...

1. New CDs!
2. School :(
3. Writing?
4. Cell Phone
5. Work

1. New CDs!

Damn right :D I ordered a bunch of CDs on eBay and they finally arrived. Got some really good metal... if you like that kind of thing...

Splatterhouse - The House that Dead Built
Ex Dementia - Thou Shalt Repulse
Torsof**k - Erotic Diarrhea Fantasy
Fleshgrinder - Coroner's Inquest Suit
Putrefy - Putrefy
Bestial Devastation/Obscene (Split)
Dyscrasia - Septical Stomach-Pumped Remnants
Bound & Gagged - Fornicate The Gutted
Decomposing Serenity - Let us Show you how to draw Blood
XXX Maniak - Harvesting The C**t Nectar
Cardiac Arrest - Morgue Mutilations
Sacrificial Blood/Zombie (Split)

I already had Splatterhouse and Torsofuck downloaded, but I enjoyed them so much I needed the albums. Ex Dementia is pretty damn good, as is Fleshgrinder. Decomposing Serenity is...interesting. Where some bands you can think "Yeah, it's hard to tell what he's saying, but I'm sure there's lyrics in here somewhere...." , this one really sounds like the guy is just going "DA DA DA DADADADA DA DA!!!" with a drum machine.

Listen for yourself... http://www.myspace.com/decomposingserenity

2. School :(

Everything but Science is going great. I think I'm getting straight A's, save for science. Seriously, how the hell can I pick up this stuff in programming but I can't properly describe acceleration and velocity? I decided to drop the class, a withdraw looks alot better compared to a failing grade.

Hell, I'm even doing good in math, something that I never thought would happen. I love this teacher.

3. Writing?

Again I've been tossing this idea around in my head. I try to write things here and there and always give up, for fear of it well... sucking. But I have a good theme for at least a short story, or a chunk of something at least. I wrote a few paragraphs.... maybe I'll get back to it someday (year). I really wish the contest winners for the Lore contest on DP would be announced, if for some reason I actually won, I'd be inspired as all hell.

4. Cellphone

Dammit, I really need to figure out what will work for me here. Catie and I have this dilemma. We want to send a good amount of text messages, so we thought of paying for unlimited texting. But if we do that, the cheap phones with a standard keypad would be a waste. We wouldn't be able to text and IM enough to make unlimited worth it. So now we're trying to figure out a service and phone that works for us. There are way too many options out there, any suggestions?

5. Work

:( A coworker quit recently. It was sad to see him go. He wasn't the best employee (Working at a bank was just not the job for him), it was fun to hang out and chat with him. Hopefully his replacement doesn't suck.

Ok, that's about it. Off to play a game or something. Night!
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