Title: Dead Bodies, Death and Killing
Pairing: Onew/Taemin
Chapter I: Fascination Of Dead Bodies
When Taemin was 5 years old, he was very curious about his mother's work. He thought that an embalmer only involves putting make-up and pretty clothes on people who are sleeping because at his young age, he had didn't know what being dead means.
He told his mother that he wanted to go with her and see how she works. His mother didn't allow him thinking that Taemin might be traumatize and scared enough to wet his pants if he saw all the dead bodies and the embalming process.
But one time, Taemin managed to escape from his father's watchful eyes. He followed his mother to work by riding on the public bus and hiding behind tall people. The moment he stepped inside his mother's workplace, the strong scent of formalin.
Taemin hid in a place where he would have a good view of his mother's work. He saw his mother checking and verifying if the person is really dead (although Taemin didn't understand the word dead at that time), washing the dead body, sewing the lips to keep it closed, putting the chemicals inside the body, drying the body. Then comes the make-up and putting on pretty clothes.
The dead body belonged to a young lady. Taemin thought she was very beautiful. He thought she was a doll. Taemin went home first and waited for his mother to arrive. His father has no idea why Taemin looked very excited. "Mom, I saw you at work! You made a very beautiful doll!!!" He said when his mother got home.
His mother had a worried look on her face as she tried to explain. "Taemin, what you saw wasn't a doll. She's human like us."
"Oh! So you're running a parlor for sleeping people then?"
"Taemin, you'll understand better when you grow up but for now, you are not allowed to go to my workplace. If you do that again, you'll be punished."
But Taemin continued to sneak out from his house and visit the funeral parlor while making sure that he wouldn't get caught by his parents. He enjoyed looking at the dead bodies. He enjoyed trying to wake them up, wondering why they never wake up. He even kissed a girl's dead body once thinking that she might wake up like in the story "Sleeping Beauty." The funeral parlor was a playground for Taemin.
That had to stop when Taemin became a 1st grade elementary student and started attending school. There was a bully in his class whom he hated so much but he couldn't fight back because he was small and weak. One time, the bully stole Taemin's snack. Then he accidentally choked on the food. With panic-filled eyes, fear written over his face, his hands tried to reach Taemin for help. The bully made choking noises because he couldn't properly ask for help.
Taemin backed away to keep himself out of reach from the bully. Then the bully fell to the ground. His body was still writhing in pain until his eyes closed and his body stopped moving. Taemin poked the body and when he didn't receive any response, he started to shake the body more vigorously each time.
The teacher found Taemin shaking his classmate's dead body while shouting "Wake up!!!"
Taemin made a few visits to a pediatric psychiatry clinic because they thought he was traumatized over the incident but he wasn't. The psychiatrist asked him to tell her about the incident because only Taemin knows the truth and there were no other witnesses.
"He stole my food and choked." Because that's the truth. That's what really happened.
"Why didn't you call your teacher for help?"
After hearing this question, Taemin sensed that he might be punished depending on his answer. "I did. She musn't have heard. She was probably having too much fun playing with her favorite student." Taemin learned how to lie and deceive. He liked how the psychiatrist believed what he said and the blame was placed on the teacher for being irresponsible and careless.
Taemin thought the he finally has an idea what the word dead means and what being dead actually is. He thought that the bully deserved it for... well... being a bully and as for the teacher, Taemin thought that she deserves it too because she always sided with the bully whenever the bully started acting like an innocent kid and puts the blame on Taemin. He also hated the fact that the teacher is playing favorites and only the favorite students have the priviledge to eat during class and even have more play time. All these thoughts, Taemin kept it to himself because he doesn't trust the psychiatrist.
There were times when Taemin actually considered telling the truth to his parents but then, life went back to normal and everything was just fun and peaceful so Taemin decided not to tell anyone about it.
Jinki was an abused child. He didn't even go to school. He was just locked inside the house. He had to the house chores despite his young age. He already knew how to cook by the time he was 4 years old. His alcoholic father hit him a lot. His mother was often out of the house. Sometimes she wouldn't come home for weeks and when she comes home, she usually just goes to sleep no matter if it's day or night and the moment she wakes up, she leaves again.
The were a few times when Jinki tried to run away but his father always seem to find him and would punish him so Jinki eventually stopped trying to escape. He always saw himself bruised and bloody in front of the mirror. He had watched horror movies and he can't help but think that he looks like a zombie and sometimes thinks that maybe he's already dead and sometimes wished he was just a ghost instead.
Jinki liked to pretend that he was dead sometimes. He would close his eyes and lie on the floor, pretends that he couldn't feel the pain when his father tried to kick him. His father would think that Jinki was unconscious. During these times, it's either he would hit Jinki more or leave Jinki alone.
There was a time when Jinki tried to commit suicide. He was only 6 years old but his concept about death was becoming a spirit which seems to be much cooler than being human. After all, a spirit would be transparent, float around and pass through walls and closed doors. Most of all, a spirit wouldn't feel any pain so he tried to die by jumping off the balcony. But he ended up alive with a leg fracture and much more pain.
It was when Jinki turned 7 years old that things started to change. It's rare for his mother and father to be at home at the same time and whenever that happens, there is always bound to be a huge fight. But this time, the fight went too far. His father tried to choke his mother but his mother's hand was able to reach the kitchen knife and stabbed his father to death.
Jinki saw the panicked look on his mother's eyes. The sound of the knife hitting on the floor seem to echo inside the room. His mother instantly dashed out of the house. That was the last time Jinki saw his mother. Jinki spent a long time looking at his father's dead body.
His father had his eyes and mouth wide open. Jinki thought that he looked good like this. With eyes wide open but not looking back at Jinki with anger. With mouth wide open but not spitting out bad words and curses at Jinki. Jinki doesn't know how much time has passed when he finally moved to close his father's eyes and mouth. He thought that his father actually looked handsome being dead like this.
When the police interviewed Jinki, there were a few things that he had just realized. One, he never knew his parents' names. Two, today was his birthday. Three, he was going to have a new life.
A/N: I haven't written a Shinee fic for a long time but I had a strong urge to write this after watching a japanese movie title "Goth." I've written 3 chapters of this fic so far and I hope to write more but if I don't get much comments, I might just end it with just 3 chapters~ so please comment!!!!