Title: Letter to Heaven
Pair: Suho/D.O.
Rating: G
Word Count: 135
Summary: Junmyeon writes letters only to keep them with him.
Junmyeon’s hand is shaking by the time he reaches the end of his letter. “Happy sixth anniversary, Kyungsoo. I miss you so much.” He smiles as he scribbles the last words. He folds the paper in two but pauses halfway when he realizes he has forgotten something and that he really needs to add it.
“P.S. Jongin still won’t talk to me. Maybe you can tell him to, you know, forgive me. I miss him, too.”
With that, he decides that he’s done, finally slipping the folded parchment inside an envelope. He seals it and grabs the pen to write on its underside.
“From: Your Junmyeon.
To: My Kyungsoo. In heaven.”
When he seals it, he opens a drawer of unsent letters and puts it on top of them. He closes the drawer slowly.
1. Originally written on Twitter. Edited and added a bit for my comm.
2. Based off of a real (not sure if verified) story posted on The UST Files. It’s in Tagalog but it goes like this: "You were my first crush since kindergarten. You know that. We were seatmates. You were my first love and you also know that, too. You dated my best friend then you guys broke up. Then you dated me because you realized I was really your true love. It probably was your fault my relationship with my best friend was ruined but I regretted nothing. You were the first person I dated. Then we parted ways when we entered different universities. For three years we never met. Then you left me. You were gone all of a sudden. We didn't break up but you said nothing. Next month's our sixth anniversary. Why are you so stubborn? I told you to never drive. You always drive fast. Why didn't you bring me to heaven with you? I miss you."