-- UNIQUE --
1. Nervous Habits: Lack of eye contact and a lot of fidgeting
2. Are you double jointed: nope, but I'm probably of the most flexible guys you know
3. Can you roll your tongue: yup
4. Can you raise one eyebrow: sorta', but I cannot wink
5. Can you blow spit bubbles: I just did
6. Can you cross your eyes: yes
7. Tattoos: soon
8. Piercings: nada
9. Do you make your bed daily: of course
10. Which shoe goes on first: I hate wearing shoes, but right I think
11. Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone: VERY common
12. On the average, how much money do you carry: depends... anywhere from $0 to $50
13. What jewelry do you wear: Both broke, but usually 2 hemp necklaces made by my old roommate Lauren
14. Favorite piece of clothing: my birthday suit, but I love my old pair of Levis that are more thread than fabric and my new pair of Lucky jeans
-- FOOD --
15. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it: I break it before I make it, but twirl otherwise
16. Have you ever eaten Spam: of course.... every family strapped for cash did
17. Favorite ice cream flavor: Starbucks Java Chip
18. How many cereals in your cabinet: none
19. What's your favorite beverage: Odwalla Orange Juice
20. What's your favorite restaurant: California- Pita Pit OBX- Thai Room, Rundown, and The Black Pelican
21. Do you cook: when I have company... and I'm good at it too
22. How often do you brush your teeth: Twice a day, but I hardly floss
23. Hair drying method: towel
24. Have you ever colored / highlighted your hair? yes... for a couple of years
25. Do you swear? hell muthafuckin' yeah
26. Do you ever spit? hell muthafuckin' yeah
27. Animal: O'i
28. Food: I don't know.... food is so utilitarian to me
29. Month: August
30. Day: No preference... I NEVER know what day it is.... dates are so artificial
31. Cartoon: Family Guy... hands down
33. Subject in school: Environmental Science
34. Color: Any fall earth tone... think browns, oranges, reds
35. Sport: Foxy Boxing
36. TV show: I have no cable
37. Thing to do in the spring?: surf
38. Thing to do in the summer?: surf
39. Thing to do in the fall?: surf
40. Thing to do in the winter?: Read (and surf)
41. In the CD player: a new mixed CD I just made "Music for people in frog's pajamas"
42. Person you talk most on the phone with: the prerecorded voicemail chick
43. Window or aisle: don't care, but ALWAYS an exit row (more leg room)
44. Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors: CONSTANTLY... if you were as good looking as me, you would too
45. What color is your bedroom: Blah Eggshell
-- LA LA LAND --
48. What's your sleeping position: side, but I usually wake up VERY contorted
49: Do you use a blanket: if it's cold
50. Do you snore: occasionally
51. Do you sleepwalk: not that I know of, but I hve definitely woken up in stanger's beds and said I don't remember how I got there hahaha
52. Do you talk in your sleep: a lot... apparently I laugh in my sleep a lot too
53. Do you sleep with stuffed animals: nope, just a real one
54. How about with the lights: Oh HELL no
55. Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on: I can fall asleep with a marching band playing 3 feet from my head if the room is dark and I am comfortable
56. Last interesting person you met: everyone is interesting if you are willing to pay attention
Pura Vida.