The truman show is my favorite movie.
this years gonna be different.
Stop bitching and moaning on live journal. Go do something. Make something of yourself. Get the grades, stop the idiot teenage behavior, grow up a little.
You're sick of where you are? You dont like the town you're in? poor fuking baby. Get over it. You're stuck here as long as it takes you to grow up and do something about it. Jesus.
Im sick of everyone acting as if their world is going to end because they didnt get the guy/girl, their parents are being >gasp< parents, and "life isnt being fair". Life isnt fair. You arent going to get the guy/girl. Get the fuk over it
Live journal is a complete wast of time. This is my last journal entry. I have finally realized the only use for Livejournal, is to complain about your life to seek sympathy from whoever jackass is reading it.
If you want to talk to me. Get off the computer and make some human contact.
Good fuking bye