....to another blog that is. =D
Does anyone use ameblo.jp??
If you do, feel free to add me! My link is this:
The blog is written mostly in Japanese..... but feel free to leave a message in English. ^^
I've just started like.. last week? =D It's an awesome community. ^^
Plus.. they let us use those awesome emojis (Japanese emoticons)~
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Comments 12
nope! no need for a cell phone.. i'd be in a pinch if i needed it. O_o
yeah.. same here.. i was so excited until i saw that i needed a freaken japanese #.. =_=
i made a fc2 and a japanese cyworld... it was so boring = ="'""""""
LOL!!! serious??? O_o that bad? D: don't have to worry about that here~ everyone updates their blog like.. wild fire with TVXQ, etc stuff.. O_o it's pretty awesome. ^^
are there no communities to join in fc2 and J-cyworld? >_<;;
i want to make a K-cyworld one day... when i can read Korean. LOL
when is design school starting? =DDD
thank yoouuuu!!! that'd be awesome!!! ^^ i'd like that since most of the ppl on there are like.... in Japan. lol~
i know right??? >_<;;; iono what to say for my blogs... "so em.. yeah.. swamped with work and stuff... but uh.. i'm alive, so... ttyl" LOL!!! that'd be so lame of me.. hahahah
i have twitter btw. ^^ do u?
I don't have Twitter currently! Will tell you when I get one!
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