krewtroll 1. Location, location location. Aside for the entire lack of sun issue, why the move from California to Seattle?
My standard answer is that I am MUCH happier in the rain. My delicate pallor doesn't stand up well to the blazing California sun. The other half of the answer is that I moved up here for a man. We promptly split up less than two months after my relocation, but I was so in love with Seattle that I stayed here. He is one of the few exes who refuses all contact with me, take that as you will.
2. WizKids (and now Fort Atkinson) seems to have a larger number of gaming women in it. How is it that you got involved in gaming in general, and what kept you mixed in with this group of hooligans and degenerates?
I started high school when I was 12, and it was pretty hard to get people to be friends with someone who was young enough to be their kid sister. My cousin Anthony introduced me to a little game called Magic: the Gathering...and I discovered a whole world of people who did not judge each other by gender, age, looks, or anything else but skill and enthusiasm. How cool is that?! I found that not only was it a great way to make friends, but also that the game itself was very fun. I started purchasing from my local game/comic store, which got me into comics, which got me into D&D...and the rest is history. Gaming is such a huge part of my life, I find it unlikely I would ever give it up! And I'm lucky enough to have a sweetie who indulges me shamelessly. :-)
3. I have heard reference to your degree, as well as a hint to the fact that it has something to do with your speaking Japanese. What was your degree, and what brought you to it?
My degree is in Japanese. I specialized in Japanese minority literature, which means that I spent a lot of time translating stories by Okinawans, resident Koreans, Ainu, etc. I am absolutely fascinated by the culture and people of Japan, and always have been. I specifically chose it as a major because I was working in the video game industry, and could be more useful to my company if I spoke Japanese. Turned out I was pretty good at it...and many thousands of dollars later I have a pretty piece of paper on my wall! :-)
4. I am about the balance as much as possible. With your hobby becoming your profession, what do you do to help decompress and find that balance again?
Balance is key! I find some quality decompression time in World of Warcraft because it is a different genre of game than the one I work with. However, my best decompression is going out with friends and doing something that's not in my house or in front of a screen. Taking long walks and hikes is probably the most healing thing for me. I also really enjoy dancing at clubs. If I'm feeling completely exhausted, I'll watch CSI: Miami or go over to Dave's for some Pride Fighting Championships or Japanese wrestling tapes. I still like playing games, though!
5. One thing I have found tells a lot about a person is the people that they admire. Who is your hero, and why are they your hero?
Most of my heroes aren't "real." Spider Jerusalem from Warren Ellis' excellent "Transmetropolitan" comic series is probably my biggest hero. He's a right bastard, an iconoclast to the core that doesn't care what anyone thinks of him, and an unabashed anarchist. On the other hand, he has unimpeachable integrity, genuinely cares about the people and society around him, and is completely committed to telling the truth no matter what. I think I could do a lot worse than emulating Spider!
akivadaphydd 1. Geography is always a good place to start: What drew you to Seattle and what is your favorite thing about it?
Part of this is kind of answered above, so I'll touch more on what kept me here and why I love it so much. The weather is one of my favorite things about Seattle. It's an amazing and fascinating city that has big-city fun without being intimidating to navigate. Besides the weather, my favorite thing is probably the incredible Asian food and the friendly inhabitants. Everyone here is so outgoing and interesting to talk to!
2. I know you as a very studious person, what's your favorite topic of discussion and why?
Comparative religion has always been one of my pet interests, and I even considered majoring in it at one point. I am a very spiritual person and I really enjoy exploring new avenues of religious expression. Lately I have found the social and cultural implications of gaming to be utterly fascinating. I think I have adopted this topic due to a need to justify my job and hobbies as having significant relevance~
3. You've said your job is incredibly fulfilling, what are your plans, if any, to enhance your enjoyment of the job?
The more involved in my job I get, the more fulfilling it is because I get to make more and more of a direct impact on company policy and on consumer interaction. So, in layman's terms, the higher I get promoted, the happier I'll be. I'm not afraid of admitting to extreme ambition, either!
4. If humankind were to settle the moon within our lifetimes, and made it affordable to do so, would you visit the moon?
Most definitely. I have a pretty major case of wanderlust, and I love seeing new places and experiencing new things. (Which is why my job is so perfect for me!) I'm aware that the moon is actually pretty boring...but I'd still go! I mean,'s the frickin' moon!
5. You have an extensive collection of Anime and Manga, which is your favorite and why?
Ooo. This is a toughie. In general terms, my favorite anime/manga are those which not only provide a brilliant and beautiful artistic expression, and are entertaining, but which also provide a provocative ethical or intellectual dilemma. Interestingly enough, there are several anime which fit this bill perfectly (Ghost in the Shell is one) that I still dislike. No accounting for taste, I suppose. :-) One of my favorite anime is X/1999 (also available in manga form), by the renowned group Clamp. It is unquestionably beautiful, and the storyline and visuals are very entertaining. It also presents a series of touching and ethically difficult meditations on the nature of friendship, man vs. nature, loyalty, and duty that I find very compelling. The Vampire Hunter D novels are also astonishingly deep -- only two have been made into anime, but they are full of exquisitely poetic language, beautiful bishounen, and troubling morality issues. There are 6 out in English right now, read them!
Pleasant somethings!