This time Gundam Seed hehe... well... I think there is one more left to do...
and then... it's over!
well... then I have to think of other things to write!xD
... maybe... something about my annoying mother!xD
ok, here you go...
The character I love the most: Athrun
The character I'm the most like: Cagalli, and Lacus maybe also... or?
The character I wish I were more like: maybe Gil
The character I wish I could get rid of: ...not a character but something... the ignorance & desire of humans... and other bad things...
The best looking character: hui! there are plenty handsome, but the most I think is Shinn^.^
The character with the best personality: Cagalli, Lacus
The funniest character: puh... Dearka...?xD no, I think Mwu!^^ and Andy!^^
The most boring character: ahem... Kuzzey, Sai, Tolle, Luna...
The most annoying character: ...Luna, Tolle&Miri in combination, Kuzzey
The most tragic character: Rey, Rau (but I think Rey is maybe even more tragic)
but the EXTENDED also...
The first character I fell in love with: Athrun! No doubt!
The character I used to not like but now I do: maybe...Dearka!xD
The character I used to like more than I do now: Miriallia, Sai
The character I like that everyone seems to hate: Shinn, Stellar
If I could date one character, I would choose: hihi... Athrun!^.^
If I could marry one character, I would choose: Athrun!=^.^= but Gil & Rau are also fine with me^^
I want to have hot sex with this character: ahem... this question is kinda...
I think this character and I would make good friends: Andy^^, Mwu
I would love to slap this character: ...not a character...
I wish I could bring this dead character back into the series: Stellar!
This female character kicks major ass: Cagalli
This male character could be mistaken as a girl: Athrun, Yzak
This villain can't be forgiven: ... maybe some guys of the EA?
This character could win every fight: Kira!
This character improves the most during the series: puhhhhhhhhh! there are soooo plenty!!!
Yzak, Kira, Dearka, Athrun...
This character reminds me of my best friend: ahm... I think no one?xD
This character reminds me of my favorite character in another series: ...
This character reminds me of my favorite song: there are a lot of songs!xD (in the series)
but a song not of this series... Toki ni Ai wa... MwuxMurrue^^
This character reminds me of my favorite movie: ... dunno
This character deserves more fans: Flay, Stellar
The character nobody should hate: Flay, Shinn, Stellar & many more
The character with the coolest look: Miguel!^.^
The character with the coolest ability (if applicable): ... Rau/Mwu... 'cuz I would be able to sense one of them!xD
This character did something that made me mad: ...
This character is the reason I keep watching the series: it's over, but sometimes they still get new stuff! then I'll watch!
and there are plenty characters why I would to this!^.^
These two characters would make a good couple: Athrun&Cagalli, Shinn&Stellar, Kira&Flay, Mwu&Murrue, Dearka&Yzak, Kira&Lacus
hm... It's strange but...
I absolutely fell in love wiht one of Atobe's character songs... the title is 'WILL'
it has really nice lyrics^^
and the music fits well^.^