Ok, I am doing a survey!xD
Preliminary: Personal Info
1. What's your name?
Jiyuu_no_Kagami!....XD (this is kinda weird!xD)
2. What's your gender?
3. What's your age?
18 years old
Part 1: General Preference
4. What appeals to you about Dearka/Yzak?
Lot of things
5. Do you think of them as an official couple?
haha... maybe kinda...xD
sometimes, yes
sometimes, no
it always changes!xD
6. Between Dearka and Yzak, who do you like better? Why?
Yzak... he is more my type!xD
7. What other pairings do you like other than Dearka/Yzak? (yaoi, yuri, het)
Athrun/Cagalli, Shinn/Stellar, Kira/Flay, Mwu/Murrue,
and Kira/Lacus... also but it's kinda boring in my opinion!xD
Part 2: Canon
8. What were your impressions of Yzak and Dearka at the beginning of the series?
haha... hm... the first time I saw them was on a picture...
and... I thought...
"They are a couple! & Yzak looks like Leen of the videogame 'Grandia'"xD
9. Did these change as SEED progressed? How?
haha, not really!xD
10. What did you think of them by the end of SEED?
They're a couple! again... XD
11. What was your overall impression of them in Destiny?
They are a couple!xD
12. At what point in the series did you start to like Yzak?
hui... I watched GSD first so... I liked him already in the first episode I watched with him!xD
(that was episode 11)
13. At what point in the series did you start to like Dearka?
well... Dearka was ok at first... just ok... in GSD^^
& in SEED he was a meanie at first!xD
but I think I started after episode 32^^
at the point when he started to realize his mistakes!xD
14. At what point in the series did you start to like Dearka/Yzak?
not in the series!xD
I saw a picture! and then I thought they are a couple!xD
(but usually I am not that kind of person who just slashes what they see...!!!<<)
15. What's your favorite SEED scene with them? Why?
The one in episode 44/45...
I think^^
16. What's your favorite Destiny scene with them? Why?
ahm... the one where they visited the graveyard with Athrun...
17. What's your favorite Yzak quote?
Are your heads only decoration?!
this one was really cool!xD
18. What's your favorite Dearka quote?
... puh... dunno...
19. What's your favorite official image of them?
puh dunno^^ it's kinda difficult... maybe the one with Yzak in a suit...
or the one in the 2nd opening of GSD^^
well... I think the one in the 2nd opening of GSD^^
20. Which of the mobile suits piloted by them do you prefer?
Buster isn't my type!xD
(this color combination!O.O... ... ...!<<)
Part 3: Fandom
21. What's your favorite fanart of them? (Link/describe?)
well I think some of Ultimate Powers/RURU
22. What's your favorite fanfic of them?(Link/summarize?)
ahm... the long one my sister translated for me!xD
23. Do you like any doujinshi circles that feature them?
Ultimate Powers! *.*
24. Is there a particular DeaYza fanartist you like? (Link if possible)
Ultimate Powers!*.*
25. Is there a particular DeaYza ficwriter you like? (Link if possible)
Not a particular... but I really liked the story my sister translated for me!^^
this one was really IC!^^
26. Why do you think Dearka is usually portrayed as the seme and Yzak as uke in fanworks?
ahm... taller, more masculine face & co.
and Yzak is rather the type who is usually portrayed as Uke...
imagine Dearka would be the usual type being portrayed as Uke!xD
that would be *lol*, but kinda cool
'cuz this seme & uke stuff really annoys me!
It's not really realistic in my opinion... one person always being Uke and one always being Seme...
so switching is best of all^^
27. Do you like this common portrayal? Why?
well... it's ok with me...
Dearka always being protrayed as the Uke would be kinda strange...
but just like I said before
I am not really keen on this stuff!^^
switching is best & more realistic
28. Overall, do you think Dearka/Yzak is accepted in the fandom?
ahm!!!O.O I think so! (isn't it obvious?xD even the seiyuus are fond of this couple!xD)
29. Is there anything you'd like to see more of, general fandom-wise?
well dunno... it's better to have less people who like it that much
then they are more good real fans than just a lot of stupid fangirlies!
Part 4: Behind The Scenes
30. Which seiyuu do you like better/thinks sounds better, Akira Sasanuma (Dearka) or Seki Tomokazu (Yzak)?
Seki Tomokazu!^^
31. What did you think of Brad Swaile's portrayal of Dearka in the dub?
Don't know it!
32. What did you think of Michael Adamthwaite's portrayal of Yzak in the dub?
33. If you were given a chance to insert an extra scene at any point of the series, what would it be and when?
dunno but I think... there were a lot of extras which would make me happy!xD
34. What do you think of the art and animation in SEED and Destiny (in relation to the duo)?
but Destiny is a bit better^^
but both are great!
35. Do you prefer the duo's "looks" in SEED or Destiny? Why?
I think in Destiny, you can see that they got more wise^^
and Yzak's scar is removed!!!^^
(and I prefer drawing in Destiny^^)
Part 5: Individual Personalities
36. What do you think they were like when they were younger?
Yzak, maybe a mommy-boy
& Dearka... dunno... I think more the normal type...
37. What kind of lives/settings do you think they were in as children?
well... I think Yzak live was a bit more... strict...
& Dearkas... maybe... just normal...
38. Why do you think Yzak removed his scar after the war?
He doesn't want to kill Kira anymore...
he's much more wise & he really hates war and killing
and he doesn't only do this because he wants to be admired...
& as you can see he avoids to hit the cockpit!
39. Do you think Yzak makes a good commander?
Yes! He's wise & he knows what he is doing now!
and he has authority!^^
40. What do you think some of their hobbies would be, other than the ones mentioned by official sources?
OH!O.O this is kinda difficult!xD... Yzak... dunno...
but Dearka... hehe... but I think driving cars would fit him!xD
41. Suppose they never joined ZAFT, what would they have done with themselves?
42. Do you think the initial Gundams they received (Duel, Buster) suit them? How/why?
yeah!^^ I think so^^
dunno why exactly!
but at least the colors... are a perfect fit!xD
Explain your answers for Questions 43-48.
43. What animal does Yzak remind you of?
maybe a cat?xD
or a panther... a leopard something like this...!xD
44. What animal does Dearka remind you of?
45. What colors do you associate Yzak with?
46. What colors do you associate Dearka with?
47. Give Yzak an image song of your choice. (Not Shoot.)
ay! dunno!
48. Give Dearka an image song of your choice.
Part 6: Pairing Dynamics
49. Describe their relationship with a word.
50. Do you think their relationship would be more dominant/submissive, or reciprocal? Elaborate.
I think reciprocal... well... dunno this is just a feeling^^
51. Who would you imagine as the stronger half of the relationship? Why?
dunno what you mean by 'stronger', physically or what?
52. According to the novels, they first met each other when they joined ZAFT Academy. What do you think this first encounter was like?
well... I just agree with my sister!xD
53. Why do you think they continued associating with each other after that?
'Cuz they dislike Athrun!XD
54. Who do you think would confess their feelings first?
well... I think it would be fine with both of them^^
55. Do you think there is a difference in their behaviour around other people and around each other?
56. Can you think of a good song that matches them? (any song not from Gundam SEED)
Hm... dunno! songs are always difficult!xD
57. Which song (vocal) from SEED/Destiny matches them?
58. Why do you think Dearka is in Yzak's squad, aside from their friendship alone?
ahm.... 'cuz of their friendship... and 'cuz they are always togehter!
59. Why do you think Dearka was able to go back into ZAFT despite his defection?
'cuz of Yzaks help & the help of Gil^^ (love Gil! but... well... put that aside!xD)
60. Which one would be the better romancer?
ahm... dunno...
61. Overall, what would their life together be like?
Yzak works all day & Dearka works in the house!... like washing the clothes!xD
62. They have a date on a day off. What would they do during this?
visit the graves...
63. There's an argument between them. What do you think the reason for it is?
hahaha! they had a lot of arguments already!
64. Who do you think would have started the argument?
Yzak? xD
65. They exchange presents. What do you think they would give each other?
well, Dearka rather a thing & Yzak rather something creative which he only can keep in his memories... nothing materalistic^^
66. If they ever got a pet, what kind would it be?
I think they would never buy one!O.O
they don't even have time^^
but if... maybe a cat or a dog?
I can imagine
Dearka taking a walk...
with the dog!xD
67. They get a home of their choice. What type of residence would it be? (apartment, mansion, hut(?), etc.)
68. Where would this home be located? (downtown, suburbs, nowhere, etc) Any reason why?
I think their location would always change...
69. Do you think the two of them would ever make a promise? If so, what kind of promise would it be?
To support each other forever? To be friends forever?
70. Do you think that promise would last?
71. What role, if any, do you think Athrun plays in regard to their relationship?
he's the one annoying Yzak!xD
even if he did nothing!xD
72. Do you think their parents would accept their (romantic) relationship?
don't think so!
Last Words
73. What is Dearka/Yzak to you?
A good couple!xD and good friends!^^
74. What do you hope for the pairing in the future?
They are still together
75. Any words for the people who read this?
well... I did this for you sis!xD
'cuz you were interested!^^
Got this survey from:
http://dearka.yzak.nu/interactive/survey.php Finish!xD