Astronomy: A (Too late at night)
Care of Magical Creatures: O (Best Class)
Charms: O (Best class)
DADA: E (It's fine)
Divination: D (HATES it with a passion)
Herbology: E (Only likes it because Flave is insane)
History of Magic: P (Falls asleep during it)
Potions: A (Pretty much blows shit up)
Transfiguration: E (It's fine)
---MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayMorning 1FreeHerbologyFreeHerbologyPotions B R E A KMorning 2CharmsTransfigurationCharmsTransfigurationPotions L U N C HAfternoon 1DADAAstronomy (lecture)DADAFreeFree B R E A KAfternoon 2CoMCHistory of MagicCoMCHistory of MagicFree B R E A KAfternoon 3DivinationFreeDivinationFreeFree D I N N E REvening 1FreeFreeFreeFreeFreeEvening 2FreeAstronomy (practical)FreeFreeFree
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