Title: "Tame me - Chap 2"
Author: J.J.
Warning: It's an AU BASED ON THE MANGA. It contains some Japanese words (the Dictionary is at the bottom), a bit of sappiness...
Notes: This work is based on the manga.
"Tokyo Babylon" and "X" belong to Clamp. I'm merely using their characters because I love them... especially Seishiro and Subaru
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Comments 6
I'm glad you like them!
Thank you for updating and of course keep up the amazing work!
-Aisya N.
Well the Sumeragi didn't mean to ruin everything. They were pretty overjoyed they had found Subaru back and knew nothing about Seishiro and even if they had know that a gentle person had the previous day stopped to read to Subaru they wouldn't think it as overly meaningful, just an ordinary act of kindness done toward a poor child.
They don't know the history behind Seishiro and why he feels connected to Subaru.
They just wanted to carry Subaru home as soon as they could and help him forget his misadventures.
They honestly meant only to help so please, don't be too angry with them!
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