Had a fun time at the event, and did not DIE in the cold. Mother Nature did make a solid shot at it, though. Blanket forts for the win! Also, ALL the fire.
- constables/professors/brewers White and Black. I was a little confused about whether or not I was supposed to be treating the 'ghost' (clearly a dude in a sheet) seriously IG until one of them turned around and tried to extort money from us for the ghost-repelling serum. Just hilarious.
- attempting to tell entertaining stories to the crazy hunter dude and discovering that we brought like the worst group ever for bombastic, exaggerated hunting stories. "I once chased this monster... and then it got away."
"That's the worst story ever!"
- attempting to get one tiny bit of information out of a senile old dude, and having it take like 20 minutes before we finally got to, "Think it starts with an E..."
- sharing the joy that is talking to Shae with other PCs. :-P
- Poor Bethany
- having a number of (completely seperate, but all awesome) conversations with PCs over the course of the weekend.
- having just had the entire plan (including faking Virtue's kidnapping) explained to me five minutes before the king is like, "Do you have any idea where Virtue might be?"
- No skin is not ok.
- trying to crawl into the spiderweb. Not entirely successful, but fun. Except for the part where my hip decided to hate me and I tried to pull my leg in and then panicked because that was the leg I'd decided to leave out so they could heal me.
- the wedding scene was cool to watch, even if I was totally uninvolved with what was going on. Evil bride obviously controlling the king as he tried to look around when the singing started, followed by Baeldannen's big explosion. Am not ashamed that Trev was yelling for people to get out of the way of the evil fairy queen as she made her exit.
- waking up to have Baeldannen's minion standing in front of me was something Trev would have been very happy to have missed. "What did she say to you?" "Nothing. She didn't have to."
- final Riding Hood test. Never been so scared that I was going to fail at tracking.
- Becoming a Riding Hood! Being asked one last time if I wanted out, and then being presented with my hood, and turning around to find that all of town was standing there watching. :) (And getting a cheer.)