I start back on Monday. Yes, in three short days. I have daycare lined up, and we've already done a trial run. It's an in-home place with a mother/daughter team. They only have mabey 5 kids between the two of them, so I feel confident that he'll get lots of one on one time. Problem is....they simply cannot take care of him as well as his mommy! I
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Comments 7
I feed her cereal mixed with fruit in the morning (baby cereal) and vegetables and fruit and lunch and supper.
She loves to use a sippy cup. I recommend the kind with handles. She doesn't use it much, just a sip of water after she eats but she really enjoys it.
As far as breastfeeding a second child, I have read you produce like twice as much milk after a second pregnancy than the first so you will LIKELY (not for sure) but likely have an easier time.
Pumping isn't like having the baby do it. I did fine nursing my son for over 1 year but even when feeding him, never could pump more that like 1/2 ounce. It just doesn't work as well but he thrived on the milk, always off charts on height etc.
Did you try lanolin (maybe try with next kid?) It is safe for babies to eat after you use it and it helps SOOO much at the beginning.
I recommend the book, "The Womanly ARt of Breastfeed.
I hadn't heard that you get more milk the 2nd time around. That's good to know. I did use the lanolin, and a nipple shield in the beginning. Anyways, I guess his latch wasn't great because I had "destroyed" my nipples by the end of the first week. The LC did tell me that the pump wasn't indicative of how much he was getting, that's why she suggested the weight feeding.
I really wish I had stuck with it awhile longer, but my mental state simply wouldn't allow for it. I was SO depressed, and needed to get happy again quick. If I couldn't function, then I would be no good to Eli, KWIM?
Good to know that your 5 month old uses a sippy. I think I'll get him one this weekend and see how it go's. He's technically 4 months and 3 weeks.
On the 18th, if you like, you and Cori can come up here and we can go to the pool. It's a pretty neat set-up. Or the other suggestion was to meet at a mall. Whichever is fine with me. I took Eli to the zoo right when we moved here, before it turned so hot. Once the weather gets nice again, we should all go together. It's pretty neat.
You are so lucky to work from home part-time! I am hoping to get to that point, but because I am new I can't really bring it up. Plus, my hours will be long for the next two months until I get the 10-K filed. After that hopefully it will be 8 to 5. We'll see. I have always worked a ton of OT and never gotten paid for it (I come from public accounting), and I stressed work like balance during my interview. They assure me that the hours won't be bad, but we'll see. I guess it's the nature of finance.
Coming up there to your pool sounds neat...That sounds good to me. Did you know that the 18th is a Sunday? Thats fine with me, I wasn't sure if you knew that or not.
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