Setting: My bedroom at my dads place
Time: 19:46
Mood: about to kill photo bucket
Procrastinating on: Chinese homework.
Hello Blog.
Waiting for Photobuket to load so I can upload photos to illustrate what I have been up to. It's putting up a big fight though.
I've been wanting to put up a blog for a while, just so people can see what I have been up to, even though I've suddenly relocated to another country.
Also, how has China been treating me?
For one the building I am living in. Is in the direct flight path of an airport. So yeah regular flights to wake me up from the eleventh floor I am sleeping in. I spent the first two weeks sleeping like this => O.O;
No jokes.
Still fighting with Photobucket...
Todays' weather has been. DAMP. In one word. Humidity of 90% Yayness. I'm a desert creature, why in the world are they trying to drown me? They of course being Evil. Very Evil. Evil Overlord of Doom.
Also I need more Doctor Who.
Bugger, I need my photos to actuallystart making head or tails about what I have been up to. Cause it's a lot more easier to write with them photos. Jeez..
Oh. I've picked up a very british accent. Leave it to me to pick up a british accent in China. But meh. Copious amounts of Doctor who does that to you.
Still fighting with photobucket.
Right, what I have been doing since coming to China.
Well been in a couple of jobs. From being a telephone Operator in a massive Hotel, to working at Dad's selling clothes to helping out at a Cafe. At the moment not working anywhere. Running outta cash though. Ugh dilemma dilemma...
Studying Chinese. Jumped grades which means I am working my ass off. Ugh.
Not everything is wholly bad. I have met amazing people. Also met not so amazing people, and not being used to China means everyday is a surprise.
However, it also means I've been sick on and off since arriving. Like every virus is making a point of greeting me personally.
Oh yay.
Well I guess no photos for now. I have to get photobucket moving.
Giving up on Photobucket for now. It's 22:47 and I have to be up at an unholy hour to take a long ass bus ride to school tomorrow. Good night you all!
Tomorrow. Another day in China.