I've literated this to Oneesama,
mmestrange already but decided it best to share it to everyone since I believe most of us are female.
On the past Monday, I went to school, some classmates were presenting on the topic 'Trial and Punishment'. The scope was free to them as long as each person spoke just under 10 min or kept it around 30 min. There were 4 people, all middle-eastern from the looks of it. They compared the laws from different countries to that of Australia in the following four fields:
a) Theft
b) Drug Trafficking
c) Murder
d) Adultry and Assault
All fields, esp d) left me traumatisingly enlightened. I must elaborate more on the matter.
a) In this topic, they compared Middle-eastern laws to those in Australia and some parts are frightening. I know middle eastern laws to be strict but not to this degree. Apparently, if you stole, say within Saudi Arabia, you'll have your right fingers/hand/arm chopped off and if its serious, your left leg too! Also, if it really is very serious, you'll lose your life! Beheading/ gun-shooting/ stoning to death ! >.< The last was a bit too much for me ~ to be stoned to death! oh my! To die a slow and painful death, I think, whatever the wrong deed, i think no one deserves it. One has to learn from his or her mistake orelse where is to the ending these mischiefs? in one such case, some Sri Lankan migrants got hold of some firearms illegally and were immediately sentenced to death!
b)Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia came up here and i need not go further to tell you the content of that. Yet, in case you're wondering, unless you can prove yourself:
i) its for for your own use
ii) you possess less than 15g
then you'll be fine, orelse... life or death sentence it is. On the other end, the Netherlands legalised the use of "Grass" or Cannabis. Surprisingly, their crime rate isnt that bad either and like Australia (we're not as lenient), it focuses on rehabitation - a sound idea i think - the chance to learn from your mistakes is valuable indeed.
c)its life sentence or the death sentence anyway in the US. though i find it funny with the description between 1st and 2nd degree murders. Apparently, with 1st, it applies when someone has killed multuple times or someone within the Government, eg policemen, firemen etc civil servants in general. 2nd degree, which is of a lower charge is for the others average Joe and Jim - now, how can civil servants be weighed more than the average man? It also happens that 'sentence for life' does not mean being in jail for the rest of your life - but in there for say 27 yrs then being on parol for the rest of your life- hmm, i dont know which is worser - living in limited freedom is something i cant imagine - i know it would be unbearable for me as i view freedom quite heavily.
d) THIS is where I really was, for the lack of a better word, PISSED/in fury etc. Sharia Law, which is used in middle eastern courts do NOT recognise DNA! Science should not carry any religious pressure - why is this so? I am puzzled deeply. (DONT get me started on how some English schools STILL disregard Darwin's theory) Moreover, it is viewed that a female is worth half a person ie if she has to prove her innocence, she needs at least 2 people whereas men need only 1. The reason which I asked one of the male teammates is, "Women are more emotional". *rolls eyes* I would LOVE to go over the scientific journals psychologists and behaviourists write with him. Have they no thoughts of their mothers? We, the Chinese, view "孝" most heavily (its a fundamental idea within Confusionism, basically the respect you should hold towards family, esp elders and parents) - this is just... URGH! In a case, where a woman was blackmailed by a man - who has affections for her i believe - thought it best to meet and 'sort things out' but they both ended up being pushed into a dark, narrow alley where 7 men raped or attacked them. The 7 men were each charged withh 1 - 2 years in jail whereas the man who blackmailed the woman left without charges but the poor lady was subject to 6 months in jail and a hefty fine - all because she was mingling with 'men not blood-related'.
I ve heard that Saudi Arabia pays well and welcomes those that have talent (including engineers) - I think, if i get offered a job there, no matter how much they would be paying me, I would NOT like to step a foot in there. I hope this is not racist. I never liked racism but based on my perceptions and understandings - which is largely moulded by Chinese/orient and Western culture, I can't help but have this inkling feeling that women are not respected enough in those areas. I respect their culture and by all means, please tell me why you hold these perceptions of women!
Ever since I heard:
1. a Singaporean actress was criticised for 'not contributing to society' bc she doesnt want to start a family
2. Japanese women were deemed 'unnatural' to possess 'too much' knowledge
3. how female engineers are being harassed/looked down upon
4. the Chinese sterotypical female ie have kids, stay at home, serve her husband etc
I've been most displeased. Why must women be confined as so? I mean ok, fair enough for the kids and hoousework, but i like it when some womenn start some online business or home business when they're home (i plan to do that if i have a family, i dont want to just 'stay at home - cook and clean - i want to make the put my bit in making the world a better place - online green business anyone? ^_^)
That presentation proves to be most enlightening and a wonderful warning~