Title: Dream a Good One Tonight
fae_dreamdance Genre: Adventure, fantasy, mystery, drama, humor, romance, chaptered story
Rating: PG-13
Summary: J'onn receives a request for assistance through unconventional means. When he answers the call he ends up in a world not his own, but not entirely unlike it, and is reminded why he upholds justice and participates in actively protecting those in need. (Will continuously add new chapters as they are written to this post!!)
UPDATED: Added Chapter Six - April 4th, 2011
Chapter One
Lex Luthor was poised in his seat; not because he needed to be in order to maintain some level of control, but instead because his arrogant streak was corroborated by clout to circumvent him from being humble and therefore incapable of slouching. In fact, he considered himself the most powerful man on the planet, if not in the very existence of all life forms. There was a time that such an idea would have been a matter of controversy, a mere hope in a sea of impossibility. Today there was no question as to the truth in such a statement. He fancied the idea that he owned Metropolis, and every other no name town from where he was perched to every stretch of ocean and land. On paper, it may have been true; but only should he put his empire together in such a manner.
“What do you have for me?” He asked in a smooth voice. Under normal conditions, and perhaps in better company, it might seem inviting. But when on the tongue of Lex Luthor, in his natural habitat and highly expensive executive chair, it was hardly something to be considered pleasant. If anything, the more warmth that seemed present acted as a warning to proceed with caution. It was more like the faux praise of a reigning dictator hoping to urge his subjects into submission through manipulation, which for Lex wasn’t far from the truth on the dictator front or the manipulation one.
“Numbers.” Said the shaky voiced scientist, his eyes turned towards the wall behind Lex as if he was too afraid to look him directly in the eyes. He was visibly trembling as the paper in his hands shook a little bit. The concept made Lex internally sneer and externally smile, pleasantly amused and disgusted by the same weakness.
“Well if I wanted numbers I would have hired an accountant. Instead, I want answers so I hired you.” He cooed in a low and dangerous hum. The way he spoke mimicked that of an adult directing a small child, but in a way that did nothing but cleverly demean the other. He leaned forward, placing his folded hands on top of the ridiculously priced marble desk that he just had to have. The man recoiled and even let out a little chirp of surprise and fear. For it, Lex felt his brow pull together slightly between his eyes. “I’m not hearing anything that sounds remotely like an answer I can use, doctor. What have you been doing all this time?” Lex almost sang his taunt, hoping to further scare the already terrified scientist.
“You also hired for quality over speed and answers don’t come overnight. We're scientists, not God. What you’re asking for is a miracle.” This voice didn’t belong to the cowering physician before him, but rather another who appeared from the main double doors that led into Lex’s office. This man’s posture was not nearly as certain as Lex liked in an opponent, but far from his unsure coworker. He was the one heading the research. Although nerdy and skinny, he had annoying passion when it came to the topic at hand. Lex viewed him the way he view an irksome yet persistent fly. One that wasn’t to the point that required termination, or even a second glance, except for when it buzzed too close and a warning swat was delivered before the fly ducked out of dodge. Payton often did just that; he ducked just in time to miss Lex’s proverbial hand.
Lex viewed him just the way he did everyone else--lesser. And for Payton's lack of conviction in everything but his research, Lex was probably right. “Dr. Lionel, I was wondering when we might be graced with your presence.” Lex’s voice perked, but it - like the smooth initial question for Payton’s subordinate - was not nearly what it seemed. “Please, if you have the time, do translate for our friend here as I seem to be getting nowhere.”
Payton’s head swiveled to the timid and still slightly cowering man. “Leave us Dr. Thomas.” Payton said with a soft sigh and genuine measure of sympathy to his tone. He waited until the other doctor left before he spoke again, his voice soft still. “I’ll tell you whatever you want to know, Lex.” Payton paused on his boss’s name. It was a point of contention as Lex had insisted on Payton calling him by this name. Lex knew it made Payton uncomfortable as he had been Mr. Luthor since the day Payton walked through the door, out of respect. When Lex had insisted on shedding the formal surname, Payton had squirmed and refused for a long time. Now it was like a game; Lex got to watch the introverted, yet brilliant, doctor grapple with being forced to call his boss by his informal name. Like they were friends, though Lex would contend that he and Payton were not the sort to be a part of some contrived definition of friendship. One corner of Lex’s mouth turned up as his name caught on Payton’s voice. He didn’t outwardly writhe in his spot now, but he always showed some sign of discomfort and it made Lex feel superior, like he had yet more control over those he paid. “But I need to know what information you’re seeking.”
“How about a status report Dr. Lionel. Something worth my time.” Lex rose from his seat, taking careful stride to one of the decorative paintings in his office as if that caught his attention more than Payton could. His hands slipped behind his back and he glanced at Payton from the corner of his eye. The doctor was momentary silent as he pondered what it was he wanted to convey. Of all the things in his life, his research was the one thing he had confidence about. True, genuine confidence that Lex was happy to harness. “And don’t bore me with an artificially inflated outlook of progress you think I want to hear. I want the truth accordingly.”
Payton remained stationary but confident as his hands slipped to the pockets of his white lab coat. “Testing shows the same thing we both expected and have seen before. We’re not to the point that we can genetically engineer a specimen, but we’re down to the core base pairs that build the DNA. It's simply matter of forcing them to undergo natural biological processes; duplicating without completely unraveling the genes we're interested in and thus creating something that will immediately die. We should have access to a full map in the next few weeks, though we'd rather not rush like before. At that point, we can proceed with practical testing and move away from the lab.” He said.
“Good. Was that so hard an answer to give?” Lex asked, his eyebrow arched as he had turned to look fully at Payton. “That will be all then. I look forward to the weeks to come. Oh...and one more thing.” Lex paused after Payton had already turned to go. The lanky doctor paused and glanced back over his shoulder. “Don’t be cautious as I know you’re one to do. It serves no one any good. I want the risks--what do we have to lose?” Lex was very clear in his tone and his demeanor; it was assertive.
Chapter Two
This was an important moment, but not unlike many others where they found themselves as the guests of honor. The Justice League was at the ribbon cutting ceremony for a new four block park that was in the heart of Metropolis. It would serve as the newly renovated recreational center for the youth of the city, with basketball and tennis courts as well as housing a playscape for smaller children. There was a swing set, see-saw and jungle gym to offer the most outstanding in playtime festivities. A library was planned for one corner in future months and a variety of other socially enriching oddities were to come. It was a new initiative instigated by the local government to boost the city's ever evolving culture and set the hope of the people toward success.
J'onn had peeled off like the rest of them; each had their own way to show support for the cause. Much of the attention, however, as it often was, was on Superman. It didn't bother the Martian in the least as his goal was not popularity but rather prosperity. Beyond that, Superman was perfectly fine in the spotlight, encouraging the fine citizens to support the latest upgrade of their society. Lately, J'onn had been experiencing something that he had not experienced in the past, at least not like this-headaches. It was as if something, or someone, was trying to break through the barrier of his mind with brute force and, as they did so, chiseled away the delicate parts of his sanity. He couldn't quite put to words what it was like and as a result, he had not drawn attention to it among his friends. He worried, however, that soon he would need to do so as it was distracting him in possibly dangerous amounts.
That was the case right then. He couldn't seem to focus on the excited and happy faces around him. It was alarming in a way that J'onn wasn't use to as he had never been so detached from his own control and capability. He skirted, his blue cape wiping a little with his force, around the outside of the playscape where dozens of children were screaming their approval as they took to the slide at full speed. The shadows under his feet, as his head bobbed forward a little while blinking hard to clear his head, blurred together. He had to stop walking, shake his head slightly and gather his bearings as the fuzzy edges of the shadows certainly weren't right, nor the way they seemed to make one blob of translucent gray under his feet. It was, as he did so, then that one of the shadows seemed to peel away from the rest. J'onn shook his head again in disbelief, looking up for a moment towards the children on the slide. Their shadows didn't match the one that had moved, nor did any one else's around him. In fact the shadow seemed to have no solid source to cast it whatsoever. The shadow seemed to tremble in fear as his disbelief and uncertainty skyrocketed, but it remained - bodiless and without an animate object to have actually created it.
It moved against the ground, seeming to dance in erratic circles, until it bounced off across the pavement and grass. It paused once it was a few yards away, as it suddenly stopped. J'onn reached up to touch his pounding head, rubbing hard at the soft part of his temple to regain blood flow that had clearly been cut off. It felt as if something was trying to escape from inside his cranium for the pain he felt and for a moment he considered that maybe he was hallucinating. When the thought crossed his mind, the shadow's fuzzy edges defined themselves fully to a recognizable shape. It seemed to be that of a person, or something bi-pedal at least. It raised it's hand and bent it's wrist, curling it's fingers as if urging him to follow. Reluctantly, and with overwhelming confusion, J'onn took a step forward in hopes that maybe the shadow would react in a way that made sense. In response, the independent shadow took a step forward with him, maintaining the same distance it was before. For every one footfall onward J'onn took, the shadow did the same until he was at the mouth of the small clump of trees that had been buried in the south corner of the park.
It was when he made it to this particular spot that the peak of his pain seemed to crest, as if the cluster of trees was the source of such a sensation. He wasn't sure if he was imagining it or if he had truly seen the shadow dance off into the woods. The figure seemed to melt into the other thick dark masses on the ground that were actual representative of the trees overhead. Furthermore, the headaches he'd been having, the restless and sleepless nights for the past several weeks, didn't help his understanding of any of this. Normally he was sharp and quick to understand and certainly comprehend, but it was as if this had befuddled his senses. All he knew now was that he needed to make this stop and he was fairly certain this shadow, his mind had likely conjured up, had something to do with it. He just hadn't realized how bad it had all gotten.
J'onn's head lifted and his eyes swept silently around him in a circle. It sounded like a child, somehow distant in the woods or in the back of his mind - he couldn't seem to decipher between the two. He couldn't even fathom that it might be a trick, or analyze if it wasn't. Instead, he moved forward, without consideration to his own welfare, into the mass of trees. It was as if that was the threshold; between his non-verbal agreement to help whoever called for it and the trouble with his fatigued mind that he slipped into the magic of that which he couldn't perceive. And maybe never would.
"I hope you know what you're doing. But I'm betting not." He heard a skeptical voice echo around him, as if coming from the actual trees he assumed were still there. His vision was still dark, dark enough where he could see nothing, but his head didn't hurt anymore, it just felt heavy. He felt somehow strange, despite the way the pressure had evaporated behind his eyes and his brain seemed to be as aptly aware of everything as it normally was. It was a refreshing feeling, almost rested, for how frazzled his mind had been moments before. The last thing he could fully remember was stepping into the darkness of the woods and now nothing but bliss from his pain.
"I do. I know - he can help us...he was the only one that could hear us. He has to be able to help." A second voice responded kindly - hopeful. There almost seemed to be a smile in the voice for how cheerful it was.
"Hear you. Whining and crying like a kid." The first snapped. "I think you were killing him, and then what good would he be? He didn't look comfortable, even through the gray haze of that place. Fat luck it had to be one that looked like...that. You couldn't have been more specific? You know, because it's safe to walk out in public with a giant alien looking man. Giant green, alien looking man. You're an idiot, Murph." It was feminine, the first voice, J'onn determined as he blinked his eyes open, easing them to the light. The second, more cheerful and masculine one, greeted him the second his eyes fluttered to let light in.
"Howdy, it's Murphy! I'm Murphy." He clarified. "We're glad you're awake, we were starting to worry. Thanks for coming." He said with a lopsided, but friendly smile. Shaggy dark, unkempt bangs hung in the young man's face as he extended a hand to the Martian lying on the ground. He had an oddly wise face for how young he sounded in his optimism. "The mouthy, unpleasant one behind me is Joey. She was born that way - in more ways than one. Don't worry, she won't bite."
J'onn sat up, slowly. He nodded lightly to each of Murphy's words, though mostly out of politeness as he was unprepared to meet new people. His posture was poised and unfaltering still as he pushed himself to sit. A moment later, he surveyed the man called Murphy in more detail, giving him his attention now that he could center himself. The wisdom on his face and cheerfulness in his voice were honest, J'onn's mind could sense that he wasn't lying or trying to manipulate. "I hardly came with intention to be here. There is no need for gratitude. I am afraid our meeting isn't under pleasant circumstances, Murphy." It was then, as J'onn's vision had fully returned, that he was able to view the surrounding area. It was open, though under him was concrete, he could distinctly feel the pavement's hard, unwelcoming grip on his cape. Beyond them, he recognized the outline of the skyline. He was in the exact same spot he'd been before his head cleared; however, it looked different in many ways. The skyline was the same in shiloutte alone. There was no playscape, no children, no trees and certainly no people there to celebrate. In fact, it was nothing but a concrete jungle there and he couldn't actually see a hint of green among the gray and drab as if the city itself was sick. A thick layer of ominous black clouds lined the sky and a bit of stray newspaper breezed past on the wind. "How did I come to be here?" His deep and even toned bass of a voice queried the two, his inquisitive eyes turned back to Murphy.
"Magic." A third voice answered behind him and J'onn turned in his spot to peer at the owner of the voice, one he had not spotted before as his senses were assaulted by too much to take notice. He was a lanky man with hair that stuck straight out in jagged little spikes that appeared as if he had his hand on a static ball. Even his eyes were open extra wide and he looked like he was trembling slightly. He was fidgeting, rapidly smoothing the front of his vest and picking at the ends of his crazy hair as he spoke swiftly. "It was magic, most definitely magic. Of a special nature, though there are all kinds you know. This was just but one. Ash...I'm Ashton Lionel." He said gesturing to himself before slipping his hand again against his vest to smooth down invisible wrinkles. J'onn offered his hand to greet Ash, as Murphy had taken it in a customary greeting that J'onn was use to seeing performed among humanity. Ash drew his hands up sharply and folded them at his breastbone, looking skeptically at J'onn's extended hand. He even visibly trembled for a moment, seemingly startled by what he was seeing. His head shook quickly, as if it was attached to a fishing bobber, and his neck even seemed to move with impossible speed. "Forgive me if I don't shake." He said with a little frown before smoothing at the non-existent wrinkles of his outer garment.
"Don't mind Ash," the woman leaned over J'onn's shoulder and took up the offered hand at an odd angle from how she leaned over him. "He's a little...ahh shall we say emotionally charged?" She smirked at Ash before pointing her narrow black eyes, cynical in nature, back at J'onn and shaking his hand in a big showy, awkward greeting. It was as if she'd intended it to be as awkward as it was, almost as if she was annoyed by him. "For the record, I'm not unpleasant when in good company. And I'm only a little mouthy." She pointed out before jerking her hand away and J'onn was left with an empty hand and a moment of confusion. He had no clue who these people were-nor where it was that he had ended up-and he couldn't see an explanation anywhere in sight. He wanted to know who was hurt so that he might help them and then get home - wherever home was. He glanced back at her before looking to Murphy.
"I am certain I heard a plea for help. A child, perhaps, in grave danger - surely something is wrong. I must locate them." A question was implied in his tone. Silence filled the three around him, bemusing J'onn even more as he could see in their glances amid one another indicating that they were not confused, but hesitant in answering his question.
"Well, we're in need of help - no doubts there. Something is most definitely wrong; thats an understatement." Murphy said, clearing his throat somewhat nervously. "What's your name, big guy? Intuitive, big guy rather. The intuitative part is important. Let's start there-then we can fill in those holes. I just hope you'll still want to help us." He offered to help J'onn to his feet. The Martian, however, pushed himself up with a grace that seemed effortless - and for him, it was.
"I am called J'onn." He told them and Joey, the smallest of them, seemed to leaned back looking up to him as he came to his full height.
"Oh yeah," She said with a deep scowl lining her face; however, she was clearly awestruck by J'onn's size, "this is going to be great. Real inconspicuous, Murphy. Did I mention you're an idiot? There aren't quite enough insults to hurl at you that might sum it up." She looked back at the good humored one of them. He merely shrugged and smiled up at J'onn. J'onn's attention went to her, he peered down at the skinny and awkward looking woman.
"Does my appearance alarm you?" He asked simply.
"No, not me." She shook her head and jabbed a thumb over her shoulder at a couple who were walking hand in hand. The girl moved closer to her boyfriend and the man picked up his pace as they both issued J'onn frightened glances. "Them. And eveyone like them." J'onn bowed his head slightly, confused as he had not yet met a human who was truly afraid of him for his appearance. He was considering her words and what exactly she was if not like them them when the scrawny woman folded her arms over her chest and arched an eyebrow at him. "I'm not 'alarmed' by anything, for the record." She told him, as if it were a challenge issued only to him.
The Martian merely considered her for a moment, wondering what she had to prove. She, like Murphy, had good intentions - that much was clear on the surface of her thoughts, despite her seemingly bad attitude. "It's nice to meet you, J'onn." Ash added in a hasty voice that trembled and buzzed slightingly with his own jerky and seemingly nervous ticks. "It was, as I'm sure you've deduced, us who asked for your help. We need it...badly, we need it. And the way we brought you here, though unconventional, wasn't meant to be a trick if thats what you think. We aren't tricksters - we just need help because its out of our control. It was the only way we could communicate with you. With anyone even...you just happened to be the only one that could hear. I suspect it has something to do with your brain and synapses - you must have irregular electric patterns. Are you telepathic?" The answer was already inside of Ash's mind, before it met air and became words, as J'onn responded simultaneously with his answer.
"Yes." His stoic bass echoed in contrast to the fidgety one, while the others heard only his verbal response. "Why didn't you simply contact the Justice League?" He asked honestly in the same non aggressive manner J'onn was known to have. He assumed it would have been easier than searching, however they had done it, to hope to find someone. He watched the three of them exchange glances again but Joey, and her mouth, had already responded on their behalf.
"The what?"
Chapter Three
J'onn felt an eerie chill pass over him like a bucket of cold water thrown down the surface of his spine. His muscles tensed up tight as he resisted the urge to shiver. There was something very wrong about this place; not simply in a way that made him alert for the danger to come, but in a way that seemed to shake the fabric of what he knew to be true. He knew before this moment that something was amiss, as this place was not in the vein of his familiarity. However, it seemed much, much worse when he was faced with the idea of a world with no Justice League. A world with no leadership in protection against that which was meant to destroy it. He had considered that they weren't serious; however, not a single one of them was projecting anything remotely indicative of deceit. Instead, they were all curious, if not entirely confused, by what J'onn was questioning. "Superman, perhaps you could have contacted Superman." J'onn, as he often did, drew out the first vowel in his fellow hero's name causing him to almost add another syllable to his friend's alias. It was his effort to try and find something, or someone, familiar to what he knew.
Once more the three seemed suspicious of J'onn's logic. "Superman's dead." Ash said in a remorseful manner, almost apologetic for a moment as his energy waned. He paused, his twitching stopped and he straightened in his spot, further smoothing his vest out. "Lex killed him nearly...ten years ago now. I remember it, the nation wept. I was young then. We all were." J'onn felt his heart sink and disappointment wash over him, though it didn't show externally. Instead, the panic and worry that bubbled in his chest was contained against the strength of his rib cage. Even Joey had no commentary to add to Ash's news.
"Diana, Wonder Woman, surely you've heard of her. She must be here to help in Superman's stead." J'onn's voice never changed tone or meter as he spoke; however, inside he could feel himself slowly start to dip into a disappointment all his own.
"Never heard of her." Murphy retorted with a little shrug, confused as J'onn could hear the young man trying to rack his brain, for just a moment, to find a name similar to what he had asked.
"Batman..." J'onn paused, afraid of the answer he would receive from these three as he slowly ticked down the list of people who inevitably wouldn't be there.
"Dead as well." Murphy explained swiftly, but Ash seemed to squirm a little more than normal, which was an oddity to see as he was already restless.
"He's not dead, don't say that when it isn't necessarily the truth. He just hasn't been seen in nearly a decade. That doesn't mean he's necessarily dead, you know that. Missing doesn't always mean dead around here." Ash corrected with a buzz to his voice and J'onn's head bowed fully. The news was hard to take. He had been to other Earths, one dangerous for the fact that he and his friends roles were reversed with that of whom they considered villains. He had not, however, experienced a world - he couldn't even imagine it - where they were dead or nonexistent and no similiar copy was present in their place. Where their duties couldn't be carried out, and they couldn't help those in trouble, simply because they weren't there to do so.
"I supposed you expect you were part of this Justice League and next you'll ask about yourself. I think we would have noticed a green giant blundering around here. I'm not sure if that's arrogant, conceited, awesome or just plain bizarre of you to think. Or a combination of all four maybe." Joey smirked and J'onn felt his heavy brow furrow momentarily. She was taunting him, or mocking him - that much he could tell however he couldn't tell which. It was somewhat uncomfortable for him though as he couldn't figure out how it was fun. Not when he felt nothing but confusion and sadness for his fallen friends and peers.
"Actually, I am." He told her plainly; he didn't do so to boast or even to put her in her place. He simply told her the truth because it was just that - the truth, whereas what she believed was not.
Her mouth circled into a small 'o', in disbelief and uncertainty, but before she could go on, Murphy gave her a little push out of the way. He stepped into the very spot she'd occupied seconds before. "J'onn, it doesn't matter." He was clearly concerned as his voice was painted with tentative hesitancy. "Your world isn't ours. Not really. What happens here is different from what happens where you're from - if it were the same, we wouldn't have the need to call for help because this Justice League as you call them, would have already answered. And here, in this world, we need yourhelp. You're all we have left. Please, can we just worry about that? No one's coming to help us, not Superman or Batman or Wonder Woman...just you. You're the one that answered and the one that we need to help. Please."
J'onn didn't move to square his shoulders or straighten his back, as he was already in perfect posture. But internally he centered himself with this new knowledge and new alignment of his agenda. Home, his home, his world, was something he had considered. It was in the back of his mind but not a place he need to go right then. Instead his primary concern was to offer assistance to these three misfits, if he could in fact do that. He wasn't the sort to weigh the options, consider the risks or hesitate like Batman might. He was prepared to offer whatever he could to whomever needed it, friends and strangers alike. "Very well." He nodded.
A small smirk crossed Ash's face and the fidgeting stopped for a brief second, approval J'onn heard in his mind. Murphy lit up like a candle, hope J'onn received from him. Joey sank back on one hip stuffing a hand in her back pocket, relief J'onn got from her."Tell me of your world and how I can be of assistance."
Ash gave a little chirp nearby to him and shook his head with a few quick jerks. "Not here - it's too exposed, too many people. Too many dangers. Come with us, please. We can tell you; better yet, we can show you." J'onn internally frowned as he was confused by Ash's statement; that was, however, before the three of them seemed to move with ease and disappear in various directions.
Joey had slipped back with a few steps, her feet falling to the edge of a shadow cast by J'onn's tall frame. It was as she reached the very edge of it that she seemed to actually disappear intoit. A moment later, her hand appeared from nowhere, the only spot that it connected to was the edge of J'onn's shadow. Her hand closed around a fist full of Murphy's shirt. He had smiled first at J'onn before he was jerked into a seemingly invisible void. "Keep up." Ash had uttered quickly before he glanced around them and burst into a shower of sparks; as if Ash himself had exploded. Ash was gone from his spot and J'onn saw a series of purple sparks fly from the electrical line nearby with a crack. They seemed to be condensed to one spot and then travelled along the line at a rapid pace. It took all of a few seconds for J'onn to deduce that the burst of electrcity in the lines was Ash and to follow. He jumped to the sky effortless and took to flight. He could see a glow to the lines where he assumed Ash was traveling and it was that glow he followed all the way to a building where the sparks disappeared. J'onn followed still, his body passing like water through the brick surface.
He landed softly on the ground just as he saw Joey step from a darkened corner of the room, where no light shined, and one of the light bulbs that was actually lit cracked and then broke as Ash was spit from it. He landed on the ground with much less grace than J'onn exhibeted as his body phased back to solid. Ash's hair was standing even more on end and he was smoothing out his clothes quickly, little sparks of light and energy appearing between his skin and the fabric. In fact it may have been that he was even pushing little purple sparks of electric out of his clothes.
J'onn was somewhat comforted by their rather obvious use of powers. He had met his fair share of people who had super human abilities, but used them for evil or villainy. These three still showed no signs of malice. J'onn's eyes swept the room. For a building that seemed dilapidated and ancient, the inside was hardly anything like the outside. It was pristine with white walls and uniformity to the inside - in fact, it appeared to be a lab of some sort. There were beakers and Bunsen burners and a plethora of labled jars of varying size, short to tall, on shelves that lined the wall. Joey paused very breifly to swat a stack of papers off from the counter. They zipped through the air between she and Ash who were facing one another. She snickered as the wiry man, without even thinking, dropped to his knees to shuffle them into a neat little pile. She winked at J'onn. "Works every time." She teased with a broad smile. It was the first time he could recall her ever smiling, but there was some honesty there in the way the top line of white teeth showed from her grin. Though he couldn't fathom why it was amusing to her as he didn't understand how her particular brand of playfulness manifested. She was curious to him in a way that made him anxious to learn more - should he have the patience.
"Yo! Shiki." She hollared a minute later, turning her head around. "Company." She offered a palm up to J'onn as if that was her best introduction. At first, J'onn had not noticed the man as he was too consumed by the rest of the lab. He was leaning behind one of the many tables set up, his head ducked down behind the beakers as he worked from a few of the open containers. His hand was scribbling along a piece of paper, but he had stopped abruptly when he was called. When he rose up from behind the line of glass tubes, J'onn was faced with a winged man who appeared twice his height for their length. He wasn't all that different than Hawkgirl in base form, but his wings were bigger, rougher and pitch black in color. He was clearly Asian in descent with long matching raven colored hair that framed his face, completely with inky black eyes and pale skin. "Now why would your appearnce scare me?" Joey asked J'onn cheerfully, clapping J'onn on the shoulder. "We're a collection of freaks. If wings don't scare me, green won't either."
"Indeed." J'onn glanced down at her in passing but she had already moved forward to plop, unceremoniously down in one of the nearby chairs. "I am J'onn J'onzz." He told the winged man.
The Asian nodded, his wings rustling behind him. "I am Yoshiki Yamada. But I more often known as simply Shiki. Thank goodness you're here. Thank you for coming, we could use your help." Shiki's accented voice was songish in nature but it sounded, if J'onn could identify the key, sad or melancholy. "I hope you can help us. If not you...then no one." He said with a respectful bow of his head. This man, of all of them, calmed J'onn. He could understand Shiki in his peaceful demeanor and calming presence.
"I will do what I can." J'onn said. No sooner had the words exited his mouth and the door burst open. J'onn turned swiftly. Alarm rose in the Martian and he considered who was nearest to him and how he might protect them from any incoming danger. The person who came in, however, was not an immediate threat - J'onn could hear it on the newcomer's mind. It was common for him, as a defense mechanism, to swiftly scan the mind of an opponnet. There he was looking for primarily devious thoughts, things that could indicate what sort of trouble or danger was to come.
"Ash!" The man who, with red flushed cheeks, came through the doors barked and the crazed electical man leaned around J'onn as the Martian had automatically stepped in front of him, as Ash was the one nearest to him.
"It's okay J'onn. He's my brother, Payton. He's means no harm." Ash explained, carefully scooting around the alien, but being sure to give him enough space that they didn't touch. J'onn wasn't sure if this was becuase of the rather obvious static charge he carried or because he choose to keep a reasonable distance. The latter seemed to be J'onn's conclusion as Ash had not taken his hand in initial greeting. "What's wrong Payton? You sound -" but Ash couldn't get any more out before Payton cut him off.
"No time! You have to leave, before its too late. Get out now! All of you! Lex...he knows. He's been monitoring the surges in power to determine where you go. You must have traveled by the line. He followed it, his people will be here...any second. I will find you later. Go now!" Payton pointed to the door while simultaneously gathering up papers and files from various cabinets around him, but it was too late.
Chapter Four
J'onn felt the pressure in the building expand before all the windows that lined the room near the ceiling shattered, sending shards of glass, which acted like razor projectiles, in all directions. Chunks bounced off the tables and further broke beakers, various colored liquids spilling everywhere. He, in an instant, went incorporeal. Even so, he could feel the breeze as the shards slipped through him without any trouble whatsoever. The others weren't so lucky. Ash ducked under a nearby table with Payton and a string of papers following him. Murphy was hunched over with his hands over his head, but the bits of his arms that were up had been sliced up. Joey slipped behind the chair she was sitting in, angry red slashes visible on her skin and her clothing from the deep cuts made through her fabric, rapidly staining them in her own blood.
"J'onn!" She shouted, leaping over the chair and catching his arm with both her hands once the glass had settled. "You're the only one that can fly." She was in a panic. "Shiki! You have to stop Shiki!" She pointed to up to the windows where the man had taken to flight and was facing the monsters, whom were climbing in through the broken windows - dozens of them, hissing and sputtering. He looked at her very briefly and in her frenzy of worry, her mind's fears and thoughts echoed in his. He didn't mean to invade her mind, but it seemed as if she had, in some way, reached out to him via her internal plea. Ash is useless when Payton is in danger, he won't do us any good. They won't be able to help anyone but each other. Murph's already gone, he can't stand them alone. It's just you and me, please don't let us down. For the love of God, don't let us down. "J'onn!" Her voice was shrill as panic flooded her, her fingers tightening even more around the thick of his arm. He didn't hesitate a second longer, though he felt a pang of concern as he left her there on the ground with no one to protect her as more and more of the abominations poured in. He, however, had to trust right then that she could handle herself while he took care of the erratic winged man.
They were on the lab floor now, a variety of mismatched animals that seemed somehow crossed with humans. Their hybrid nature made them swift even if they moved awkwardly. Some had wings with cat-like bodies and mostly human heads. Others were massive in body with bear claws and bushy tails. It was hard to tell what part of them was their base as they were so many combinations that made them unrecognizable as one species. The only commonality was the human trait; like experiments gone wrong. They were primarily bipedal, but some used all four feet to enhance their speed as their skin was dotted with the spots of a leopard or a cheetah.
J'onn moved with grace through the air, head on to where Shiki was. "He's not a fighter." He heard Joey call after him just before there was a bone crushing slam behind him. He didn't look back as not to be distracted if Joey was in need of help and it was she that had received the blow and not delivered it. The raven winged man seemed to be on a mission as he dodged creatures who dove for him, some leaping out to catch him only to helplessly tumble to the ground as they had no way to fly. J'onn watched Shiki, as it seemed he found what he was looking for, ram his shoulder into a man who was also flying with the same sort of raven colored wings and pale skin. This one, though Asian like Shiki, was blonde. The two went end over end and J'onn drew to a momentary stop as he wasn't sure how to separate them without hurting Shiki too. He started to move forward to catch Shiki, perhaps by simply pushing his arm through the blonde's middle by way of his transparent ability, but he couldn't quite tell which was which for how fast they were moving and how their wings blended together.
"Daichi, stop! Love, please stop! This isn't you, you're not this man - " J'onn heard Shiki huff in a heavy breath as they wrestled in the air. The blonde, raven winged man clocked Shiki in the jaw in response, hard enough to send him end over end in midair. J'onn glanced back down to where Joey was moments before. She was looking up to him as well. Their eyes met and she dodged a swat from a bear paw. I'll come to you...J'onn heard as Joey scrambled, swiftly scanning the floor. He hesitated only for that reason, though he had flown forward to cut Daichi off from further attacking Shiki who was hovering in the air with little flaps of his wings. She, like J'onn had seen before, slipped into a shadow and disappeared. A second later, he felt a heavy tug on his cape and then, he felt more weight placed on his back as she was scrambling up to reach his neck. It shocked him to have her suddenly there, particularly as he could feel her much smaller arms wrap around his neck to keep from losing her grip. "Your cape whips around too much, I blame you for it. I thought I was going to get torn in half, it wouldn't be pretty. It makes a shitty shadow, J'onn." She hissed into his ear. "At least there was a shadow to come out of." She told him squeezing tighter to him, clearly afraid of the height they were at.
"I won't let you fall." J'onn said to her, his voice raised, but not his tone, over the wind whipping around them.
"That's reassuring since I'm about to ask you to throw me." She shouted back and grinned wide at him as he had to twist his head a little to look at her. He drew his head back a little in shock and she nodded at him, her smile growing slightly. "Throw me at Shiki, J'onn! Now!" She screamed over the wind that was making it difficult to communicate at this height. He was hesitant to obey her request, mostly because it went against his instinct to protect, but she squirmed around in front of him so he was holding her. She was even tinier when she was actually in his arms. "He makes bad choices when Daichi is around, he can't be trusted with his own well being. Don't blame him. He doesn't mean to make it difficult for us." It was the first time he'd seen her soften and it was very obvious that she had. "It sucks to be in love, particularly when it makes you that stupid." She shrugged with a sad little smile before she waved her hand toward Shiki frantically as if indicating that they'd waited too long already.
"Do not make me regret this." He said briefly, shaking his head as he couldn't believe he was allowing himself to agree to what she was asking. But he had no reason not to trust what she had in store. J'onn reluctantly drew her over his head and pitched her, with a good deal of force, but certainly not all of his might, toward Shiki. The birdman was still a few feet away from the blonde, black-winged man. Shiki had barely just gotten his bearings when Joey slammed into him, pushing them both through the air. J'onn watched on with wide eyes as Shiki vanished when Joey gave the winged man a hearty push into a shadow being cast on the spot where the wall and window met. He skidded, face first, out of a shadow that was present on the ground below them. Joey, however, flailed for a moment - not having made it into the shadow with Shiki as a cloud overhead shifted and the shadow disappeared before she could follow flawlessly behind. "EEEEP!" She cried out as she plummeted.
J'onn immediately dove with her. He was a few seconds behind her as he had lingered at a distance. Clearly, however, she hadn't planned for this as a fall from her height would certainly do damage to her body and she didn't have the ability to fly like he did. He reached out and scooped her up mere feet from the floor, her black hair hanging heavily down around her face. "Man of your word." She began before reconsidering, "Well, sort of. I totally still fell." She told him breathlessly, climbing from his arms and offering him a sideways smile after he gave her a curious glance at her snide remark. It was then that he realized, by the grin on her lips, that she was grateful and her comment wasn't mocking him, but her own way of conveying gratitude. Joey's way of saying thanks.
She turned around just in time for Shiki to catch her around the neck and slam her into the nearest wall with all the force the much bigger and stronger man had. He was practically feral, J'onn could feel it radiating off of him as he no longer felt like a human but an animal. The calming sensation he'd received from Shiki before was gone and now the man was a mess. J'onn wasn't sure how to process what was causing it. Joey coughed. "If he dies in this, his blood is on your hands and I willkill you. I had it!" He hissed and even as she was being choked, Joey smirked, "Sure ya did." And then proceeded to cough harder as she fought for breath.
"Shiki..." J'onn took a step forward, lifting one of Shiki's hands with ease. They were being surrounded, he could hear the muddled minds of the monsters as they closed in. The last thing they needed was to be distracted by their own emotions. "Perhaps now is not the ideal time." Shiki's beady eyes snapped to J'onn and for a moment, J'onn could see that Shiki was prepared to attack him next.
"Thanks." Joey squeaked. J'onn wasn't sure why she said it, but he felt her hand closer around his forearm and in an instant he felt himself get dizzy. It was almost the same feeling he'd had before he woke up to Murphy, Joey and Ash. His stomach turned and he thought he might pass out. He was dumped out with her and Shiki in a sunny pasture. Puffy white clouds were casting dense shadows on the ground, dappling the grass and giving Joey a playground with which to use her gifts. Right then J'onn knew it was to get them to safety and he had diverted Shiki's attention long enough for Joey to help them escape. The cows that surrounded them were not alarmed by the sudden appearance of three strangers. In fact, only one or two lifted their heads from their grazing to even acknowledge their existence before going back to the delectable grass beneath them.
"Shiki," Joey started but he lifted a hand to silence her before he shook his head sharply. "I don't want to hear it." He said, his voice still sharp but J'onn was fairly certain he wasn't going to attack again. Before J'onn's eyes, the man morphed, shrinking and contorting into that of a actual raven, complete with the pitch black wings Shiki had had before. He took to flight, in the direction of a small group of trees down the hill, as fast as his massive wings would take him.
"Don't." She said to J'onn, reaching up and placing her hand on J'onn's chest as he had moved to follow in flight. "Give him some time. Let him be pissed at me for now. You'll get your chance later, when he realizes you're the one that threw me. Hence thwarting his perfectly conceived plan." She smiled up at him briefly, once more she was mocking. Though this time it was Shiki whom was in her cross hairs.
"What happened?" J'onn asked ignoring her colorful assessment of Shiki's decision. There were more pressing matters.
Joey waved him forward as she started marching down the hill that led to a small farmhouse. "We were attacked by Lex's mutants - abominations, as it were. Must be nice to have more money than God." She said bitterly, in a dismissive backhanded comment, before she shrugged. "He's been trying to wipe out anything that has abilities he can't control with a vengeance. That includes Ash, me and Murphy - you too now no doubt. I'm not much for following Lex's orders. Shiki's mate, that blonde man - his name is Daichi, he's been captured now for nearly three months. He's one of the subjects that Lex is trying to use to help genetically engineer super soldiers. He can't just create these things out of thin air - he has to start somewhere. See, they're what we call visiugo. I take it you don't have them back on your home - or maybe you just don't know about them. They're part animal part human, but naturally. Nature evolved them to be that way, to entrust onto them the power of nature. They've been around for hundreds of years, living mostly in secret, worshiping nature - things like that. Don't want to be bothered by humanity, and so on. Most of them are dead now because Lex captured them and started trying to blend their make up to create hybrids. War makes money and Lex wants all there is. If he can succeed in creating genetically altered, absolutely obedient, but sentient enough to reason deductively, soldiers - he'll win more then the government's already raving approval. He'll win world domination. Never mind the fact that he's killing dozens of people in the process and decimating families like Shiki and Daichi. Single handedly destroying truth, justice and the American way - that crafty Lex Luthor. Hope died a long time ago." She dipped her head down and J'onn watched her shadow slink next to his as he hadn't moved to look at her.
"We're lucky that's all he did. Shiki I mean," she glanced up at J'onn. "It's a wonder he hasn't gone to join in just to be closer to the man he loves. It's getting tougher to make him believed we'll get Daichi back. Payton, he's our only in. He's delicately playing the balance. The masquerade is going to have to end soon. Lex will figure it out and we'll just never see him again. That would be very bad." She didn't hold back her concern. "Love is what would ruin that too. Ash would melt down, those brothers are all they have left, and then we'd lose Shiki for sure. It's all so freaking delicate. I'm not so much the cautious sort, but damn it! I've had to be because of this insanity. We almost died back there - did you see?" She asked in a snarky snap.
"Love is precious." J'onn didn't turn to look at her but he spoke to her, with honesty from his heart. He was considering all the information she was offering him, filing it away for later use as he tried to understand this world and their trials. "Have you never been in love, Joey?"
She snorted and went on in her indiscernible monotone, the one she used when J'onn couldn't tell if she was teasing, mocking or simply bitter. "Once, in seventh grade. It didn't end well."
J'onn dipped his head down. He was slightly amused, aware now of her sort of dark humor. He could tell, just then, that she was being funny. "When you do, you will understand it's value and appreciate that which your friend is feeling. You will better identify with Shiki and the others. You will understand what drives them most to end this war you are fighting."
"And I suppose you do."
J'onn paused and Joey made the same 'o' with her mouth that she did when he'd said he was part of the Justice League. There was a moment of silence that passed over them both. "It was a very long time ago." He said, finally letting his eyes trail over to her and she drew one shoulder up in a half shrug.
"Well I guess that means you won't do anything dumb that might put us all in jeopardy." She offered, wrinkling her nose, and attempted to suggest something useful from his loss. She cleared her throat uncomfortably though and he could tell she didn't want to ask further, but she sort of perked for a second. "I'll be sure to let you know if I ever experience this life changing, what was the word you used? Oh yeah! Precious. This precious thing. In the meantime, I'm happy to keep my senses and not do dumb stuff. Here we are." There was relief in her voice. She pushed the door of the farmhouse open without knocking.
The others were inside, it was a secondary source - a hideaway as it were. "Did you miss us?" Joey grinned, her sliced up arms and legs were crusted with scabs and she had a mean looking bruise forming under her eye; her friends were not in any better shape. Payton was leaning over Ash, dabbing an ointment on his brother's forehead. Murphy was picking at glass stuck in his elbow. J'onn was the only one of them untouched, his green skin perfectly smooth and solid. "You guys look like hell." She said gruffly but amused.
"Any landing you can walk away from right?" Murphy said in a cheerful voice.
"Indeed." J'onn agreed giving Joey a little friendly push inside as she seemed to hang in the doorway.
"Don't humor him, J'onn. He doesn't need the help." She told the Martian pointedly before squinting at her friend. "I don't think that's what they meant when they said that, Murph." Though she had a good idea that he had seen her almost plummet to her death and was barely caught by J'onn.
Five )
Six )