Anders has his four month WBV today. I'm excited to find out his official weight. He has had a major growth spurt recently. He was getting up 3X a night just to eat. I wonder if that gave him a boost in his weight. I'd been feeling like he was a bit small for his size.
I'm not excited about shots. I know I should just get over it already, but it killed me last time around. Nursing afterward seemed to help so we'll be doing that again. I also brought the infant tylenol to give to him ahead of time. I'd like to stop the fever before it starts. That part was also not fun.
In a show of solidarity I'm giving blood today. Not the same as getting a shot, but you know what I mean. Actually giving blood doesn't bother me, and it makes me feel like I'm doing something good for society. Too bad I'm too lazy to go do this on my own. I only do it when the bloodmobile (doesn't that sound kind of gruesome) shows up at the office.
I don't talk about this much, but I also have my WW weigh-in today. After all of the unintentional weight loss of the last two weeks I think I might have a weight gain. Lord how that scale traumatizes me. I don't think I will ever like getting weighed. It always stresses me out. Can we say issues?