hey poo-face you know i'll visit every chance i get an hour and a half is nothing to keep us apart, or for me not to drive. pretty soon this trial bullshit will b over and my parentals will realize that i have learned from my mistakes and WILL NOT go back down that dead end road again. That way i will have the freedom to take that drive and finally spend the night without being scared of getting caugt. I love you ma ma and my love is one thing that won't b over when you leave for lander. B-sides ur planning to live with my cousin how convinent(dont know how to spell that word but its all good) is that? dont b sad boo im here for you and you can talk to me about anything and my sholder is always here to cry and/or lean on. keep ya head up babygurl u'll b just fine.
wow...you said exactly my fears!!! I want to cry now because I am scared to be senior but at the same time I can't wait...but then I don't want to leave the comfort of what I know as you said....
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