Here temporarily because I've let my domain lapse :(
Geneforge V walkthrough Beta
The walkthrough is complete, in that one can get from the beginning to a successful ending using it; it's incomplete, in that it's still missing some of the (optional) challenge dungeons and some of the more radical faction options. Anyone wanting to help me fill in the bits is most welcome to respond here or to join in the discussion at
Part one ayy: Northwest Terrestia -- the demo
Part one bee: Northwest Terrestia -- beyond the demo)
Part ii: Southwest Terrestia/Storm Plains)
Part iii: Dera Reaches)
Pacification Fields
s to Minallah
n to foundry (must be opened first *from* the foundry)
cleared after talking with Mehken
quick overview: Explore and equip yourself. Don't forget to assign your initial skill points before following Mehken to clear the area of rogues. You'll start with Q: Escape the Fields, to make your way to the south of the region. Walk a clockwise path, fighting rogues as you go. Once there, this quest will be replaced by Q: Enter Minallah, to leave by the southern exit.
n There is a healing pool in the north building.
e Taming the fyora requires leadership 3.
e Use the power spiral in the room south of the artila to activate the pylon to the south (requires mechanics 3). This will pacify the crazed roamer to the south.
s As you near the exit, Mehken will ask you a reputation question (+2/-2).
sw A Vlish has control of some rogues here. RAWAL will interupt your battle to speak with you and give you Q: See Rawal, to head south and then west into Isenwood's Spire.
n to purification fields
e to foundry promenade
w to isenwood's spire
s to whitespires pass
cleared immediately
quick overview: This is your first opportunity for shopping and quest-getting. However, most folks won't deal with you until you've spoken to Shaper Rawal in Isenwood's Spire, to the west.
ne The mad roamer you meet on entry is a reputation encounter (+2/0/-2). It can be calmed with leadership 4.
se Read the sign for Q: Bounty: Shrouded Rogues: kill them in the promenade. Reward: 250 coins.
se CAPTAIN'S OFFICE CAPTAIN VALENTIN offers a reputation encounter (+3/0/-3). After you've spoken with Rawal, he'll ask you to kill a Q: Mad, Flaming Fyora in the foundry core. Reward: 200 coins. He'll also ask you to Q: Find Kahl in the western core. Reward: a shielding band, essence and healing pods.
center EVALUATION HALL After you've completed the presence quest, MIND SHIMP offers Q: The Testing Halls. Reward: Polar fur cloak, a healing pod, a curing pod, and a speed pod.
nw SMITHY LAZZARIA the blacksmith sells weapons and armour, "expensive." She offers Q: Malfunctioning Mines. Go east to disarm them. Disarming the spore box requires mechanics 4; reward: a bronze shortsword and a chitin shield.
nw TWIXX the servile is here. Calming him for keeper cooper's quest requires leadership 5. Accusing Twixx of rebel thoughts and killing her grants you shaper reputation (+3).
sw KEEPER COOPER offers Q: Twixx. Twixx is in the northwest corner.
sw FARED is wandering outside.
sw Don't miss the lever hidden behind the pillar in the citrach room: it leads to a nice pair of thirsting gloves.
s TINKER'S SHOP BARCOTT buys, sells living tools, pods, "slightly expensive." He offers Q: Thahds in the Workshop: kill them or tame them in the promenade to the east. Reward: a wand of weakness and access to more stock.
Isenwood's Spire
e to minallah
n to foundry core west (open after talking with Rowel)
cleared immediately
quick overview: On entry you'll meet GEVIK. Follow him clockwise to meet Rawal. After meeting Rawal (and experiencing his fun implant) you'll have access to all sorts of shopping and training experiences previously unavailable to you.
ne RAWAL'S HALL RAWAL offers a reputation encounter (+3/0/-3). (Loyalists can turn Mehken in for +1 intelligence and +1 endurance as well as the reputation.) Rawal teaches war blessing and daze, gives you 500 coins when you ask him for supplies, and gives you a scrying crystal to aid in your first big quest, Q: the presence. Hunt the presence first in foundry east, then in foundry west, then in the foundry core. As a reward he'll teach create roamer, essence shield, and searer.
After you complete the presence quest, Rawal gives you papers of passage, and sends you to find the entrances to the Mera-Tev Shadow Road (Q: the Shadow Road.) You'll find these in Penta and in Kaz. Reward: 800 coins, and he'll teach you terror and create battle alpha.
Rawal will next send you to Alwan's keep for the quest Q: Canister Tome. Reward: 1000 coins, and he'll teach you major heal and create wingbolt. The next quest he'll assign you is Q: Kill Platano. After killing Platano, return for your reward: an essence charm and increased strength (+1) and dexterity (+1.) He'll give you this reward even if you've had your control tool removed, but without it you won't be able to accept the unfortunate Rawal-faction ending to the game.
ne The cauldron spawns series of fyoras; the last, a huge fyora, drops a perfect fyora scale.
n TRAINING HALL GUARDIAN MANOLA offers no training until you have completed Rawal's "the presence" quest, after which he trains melee weapons, missile weapons, quick action, and parry ("exorbitant" at first; prices lower as you do quests for Rawal.)
ALHURA'S QUARTERS AGENT ALURHA offers a reputation encounter (+2/0/-2). After travelling completing "the presence," return to receive Q: Agent Micheline.
nw MEHKEN will join your party if you've responded in a neutral or pro-rebel way to Rawal's questions. Remember to increase Mehken's skills as she levels: because she's an independant creation, her skill points don't drain your essence.
center west SHAPER BRUEL'S WORKSHOP BRUEL trains shape fyora, thahd, artila, "expensive," and trains minor heal, cure affliction, "pretty average." He'll give you Q: storeroom rogues, to kill serviles in the storeroom to the east. Reward: unlocked doors.
sw SAGE FEFER'S WORKSHOP SAGE FEFER trains firebolt, burning spray, daze, mindshield aura, war blessing, protection, essence shield, "slightly expensive." Fefer will offer you Q: crystal for the forge, to deliver a crystal to Phipps in the testing halls.
s CRYSTAL WORKSHOP TINKER THILE sells ice-infused cyrstals, "expensive."
The canister teaches essence infusion.
e RAWAL'S LIBRARY With mechanics 7 you can unlock the library lever to sneak carefully past the guardian wingbolt for minor loot and information on your origins. There are also essence and health pools here. Don't use the next lever to go further south unless you're prepared to handle two wingbolts: if you don't want to fight them, however, you can sneak past them in combat mode to steal one object at a time [Randomizer]. The locked cabinet requires mechanics 12; the chest requires mechanics 9. The nice loot includes a tiny orb of mist and a runed onyx.
Foundry Core West
s to isenwood's spire
e to foundry core
cleared by killing presence-mind in ne
quick overview: Clear monsters as desired, but the main quest won't happen until the foundry core east is cleared. Once this has happened, speak with Sergeant Lysette to the southwest; head to the northwest for a citrach battle, pull the "control center lock override" lever, and head to the northeast to kill the boss.
sw SGT LYSETTE: When the presence is, um, present, you can talk her into sending PRIVATES GUPPY AND SKINPOLE to help you in your upcoming battle to the nw. (requires leadership 4.) Likewise, she can later be convinced into sending PRIVATES CARSTONE AND JARNOYCE for the eastern battle with the servant-mind (requires leadership 5.)
se There are essence and health pools in the corner.
nw The northwest door will only open after you've killed the presence-fyora in foundry east. It leads via a clawbug room to the control center lock override. Kill the clawbugs one at a time, starting with the northeastern one. Head south to pull the override lever before heading back to talk to Sargeant Lysette.
ne The "control center" door leads to PRESENCE-MIND; it will only open after you've pulled the lever to the northwest. First kill the bugs the mind spawns, then kill the mind itself.
ne The levers open "cells" to the north and west for treasure. The hardest lock requires mechanics 6; it leads to a canister of create thahd.
ne PRIVATE KAHL is here. First, clear the dungeon south of him, then for the Minallah quest escort him to the south, killing the monsters that spawn.
Foundry Core
w to foundry core west
e to foundry core east
s to pacification fields
cleared by killing presence-servile in nw
quick overview: Clear the south as desired, but main quest won't happen until the presence is killed first to the east, then to the west. Return after the western encounter and head north past the burning turrets, which can be killed or calmed (with leadership 5). Grab the key from the body near the pacification pylon to the west; this allows access to the northwest, where the PRESENCE-SERVILE awaits.
s The green-spotted fyora for the Minallah quest drops a perfect fyora scale.
nw Use the power spiral near the PACIFICATION PYLON to calm the nearby rogues and make them less likely to attack you. The core key is on the body near the pylon.
nw The PRESENCE-SERVILE waits in the northwest room. Ignore the presence at first: run south to the geneforge, which grants intelligence +1 and allows you to hit the presence; then either kill it outright or, for fun, use the control panel to activate the pylons and let them kill it.
On leaving the area after killing the presence, Mehken offers a reputation encounter (+3/0/-3).
Foundry Core East
w to foundry core
s to foundry promenade
e to foundry repository
cleared by killing fyora-presence in center
quick overview: The first encounter with the elusive "presence" takes place in this area. Head east to the "testing halls entrance," where you'll be locked in. Make your way counterclockwise to the fyora-presence in the center to clear the area and advance the plot.
se TESTING HALLS ENTRANCE The doors to the northern part of the complex will lock behind you.
n The worst of the northern mines requires mechanics 6, but the encounter is quite do-able without this; failure just releases a fyora.
n Once again, Mehken offers a reputation encounter (+1/0/-1).
n The spore box which turns off the pylons requires mechanics 6.
With one living tool you can cut off power to the control panel, preventing summoned creatures in the final fight; with two and mechanics 6, you can sabotage it and damage the presence.
nw Some of the northwest power spirals also require mechanics 6; use caution here, as they'll easily kill you if you ignore the warnings about imminent explosions.
w A western room contains a health pool.
w The canister teaches wrack.
w The last power spiral controls release of creations; it requires mechanics 7.
center The FYORA-PRESENCE has taken over the center of the complex. Kill it to release the doors and clear the region. From here, the presence will flee to the Foundry Core West.
Foundry Promenade
n to foundry core east
w to minallah
e to testing halls
cleared immediately
quick overview: Take a new quest in the southwest; finish Barcott's quest in the southeast.
sw PRIVATE SAVAGE offers Q: three pylons: activate the pylons by turning on the power spirals in the center of the promenade (skill required: mechanics 4.) Reward: living tool, speed spores.
n The book in the locked room teaches create fyora.
nw The shrouded thahd for the minallah quest nests in the northwest corner; pull the nearby lever for access to the shrouded fyora.
se The shrouded worm for the Minallah quest is here.
se BARCOTT'S WORKSHOP KROG is here for Barcott's (Minallah) quest: kill him or convince him to leave (skill required leadership 4). Note that this is a reputation decision (+3/0/-3).
Testing Halls
w to foundry promenade
cleared by passing the test
quick overview: Master Phipps' shop and a blessed anvil grace the south of the region; the east and north are dominated by testing halls.
se If you are carrying Fefer's crystal, its humming will annoy the roamers guarding Phipps' shop. With leadership 4 you'll be able to calm them.
se MASTER PHIPPS' SHOP MASTER PHIPPS buys. Once you have the papers from Rawal, Phipps sells a runed ruby, roamer fang, blessing crystal, and miscellaneous arms and armour, "expensive."
Deliver to him the crystal from isenwood's spire quest; reward: runed ruby.
If you have papers of transit or leadership 5 Phipps will open the door to the BLESSED ANVIL and give you the quest Q: Herbs for Phipps, to gather saltweed (lootable from his bedroom) and wiry moss (from the mera fen or murkwood). Reward: the recipes for purifying elixir and perfected arms and armour.
The trap on the chest in his bedroom requires mechanics 10.
e The TRIAL MIND is confused and can be convinced to let you into the shaper trials. The trials are pretty straightforward: kill things or disarm them. The mechanical test requires mechanics 5. To the west, the FURIOUS THAHD can be taunted into attacking the MAULER THAHD for you -- just tell him Mauler thinks he's a weakling (requires leadership 5.)
sw control panel reward options:
button 1 teaches create fyora, create clawbug.
button 2 teaches cure affliction, essence infusion, heal.
button 3 teaches searer, speed .
Whitespires Pass
n to minallah
s to north mera road
cleared by showing papers to Sgt Noblet ?
quick overview: Complete Rawal's "the presence" quest before coming here. The (optional) inn encounter to the west should be done before heading south; going south of the White Pass Inn causes Mehken to leave your party, but not before offering you a final reputation opinion (+2/-2). Show your papers to Noblet in the southeast to exit whitespires pass to the south.
nw JELINICK the innkeeper waits sniveling outside; speak with him to receive Q: Jelinik's Inn, to clear out the bandit Antonia and the rogues with her. Head west into the inn to kill roamers, ignoring the überlocked door, but don't stray too far from the main room. If you wish to save Jelinik (and thus your reward), run immediately in combat mode to the front door when you hear Antonia's threat: you'll have time to intercept her and kill her before she harms Jelinik. (Otherwise, she'll slaughter him and wait for you outside.) Reward if Jelinik lives: 250 coins.
nw Don't miss the lever hidden behind the pillar in Antonia's room; it opens a passage to the northeast.
sw HIDDEN CACHE: Disarm mines for access to treasure. The hardest mine requires mechanics 8, but is passable without it -- just cure the poison quickly, and you'll be fine.
The CANISTER teaches create roamer.
se SERGEANT NOBLET requests your papers before unlocking the gate. You can talk him into giving you a living tool and some minor supplies.
(looking for the repository? find it
Part one bee: Northwest Terrestia -- beyond the demo)
part ii: Southwest Terrestia -- Storm Plains)
part iii: Southwest Terrestia -- Dera Reaches)