Sorry this is late. I'm not sure if you guys want this community to keep going due to the low amount of participation and only one of my co-mods helping me out. Let me know if you (the members) are still interested in this community. If not, well you know what I'll have to do.
Regular Challenge Wonder Woman
- You may use ANY image of Wonder Woman from Justice League and/or Justice League Unlimited
- Images of Diana BEFORE she stole her armor (in Secret Origins)are not allowed as she was not technically Wonder Woman at that time.
- Blending is allowed
- You may enter up to FOUR icons
- Do not post your icons anywhere until after the challenge is over
- No animation
- Icons must fit LJ Standards
- Entries are due Tuesday, March 6, 2007 by 11:00 p.m. EST
Just a few images to start with
Here's a list of
ALTERNATIVE IMAGE SOURCES. Remember that you may use any image of Wonder Woman, not just the ones I posted.