Also - Kiza and I (and tubz by default) are going to the pre-reg badge pick-up on Thursday night since we have day jobs and cannot physically make it to the con on Friday before 5pm (and apparently AA reg is between 3-5pm only on Friday.) Hopefully, it'll also pay off in terms of not having to line up to pick up the weekened pass badges. There's an art jam going on then too, but I'm not sure if we'll stick around or just pick up the badges and head out (Kiza and I still have to work Friday, sooo yeah.)
I will come for BBQ Monday but probably not until suppertime since I didn't book off work for Monday (needed to save vac. days for SDCC. :D)
Oh d'oh the SP launch pt! I totally want to go. We'll need enough cars though... we'll figure it out, I suppose. I dunno if we're going to pre-reg pickup on Thurs.
Hay, I'm default. I'm up for whatever shennanigans are going on Friday as Heather'll be at work and I'll get lost if I try a bus adventure XD I'll need to dump my alley goodies in your trunk so we don't have to swing by Heather's before hitting the con. We should also try to iron out (possibly thursday) getting Heather's table/space released to her without her having to be there 3-5 on Friday so she can swish right in and sit down.
I have a feeling the alley reg will be okay for Heather, but if we have a signed written note + email from heather that should be ok. If we can't, we can't. but I don't forsee a huge issue with this.
Friday, we'll swing by and pick you up - I'd say we'll do the usual of running around, pick-up, groceries, then some lunch and to the con.
as usual i should be up by 8 or 9 am. This time i'm probably going to have a 2 door car instead of a 4 door like last year. Is there anything from nyc you would want me to pick up?
Comments 14
KARAOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O_______O~~~~!!!!!!!!!
Also - Kiza and I (and tubz by default) are going to the pre-reg badge pick-up on Thursday night since we have day jobs and cannot physically make it to the con on Friday before 5pm (and apparently AA reg is between 3-5pm only on Friday.) Hopefully, it'll also pay off in terms of not having to line up to pick up the weekened pass badges. There's an art jam going on then too, but I'm not sure if we'll stick around or just pick up the badges and head out (Kiza and I still have to work Friday, sooo yeah.)
I will come for BBQ Monday but probably not until suppertime since I didn't book off work for Monday (needed to save vac. days for SDCC. :D)
Friday, we'll swing by and pick you up - I'd say we'll do the usual of running around, pick-up, groceries, then some lunch and to the con.
Is there anything from nyc you would want me to pick up?
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