So, I know this is a belated observation, given that the pilot was shown a while ago now, but os anyone else loving Glee?? I must have watched the pilot nearly a dozen times, and I can't get enough! I don't quite know what it is, but the whole thing's adorable, but in a really snarky, semi-dysfunctional kinda way that makes it great fun to watch.
Haven't had all that much time to TV watch, or even fic-read this week, that whole RL thing keeps getting in the way - in the not-so-fun form of having to work 50 hour weeks. As you do on semester break from Uni. Whenever I get a break from Uni my boss takes great delight in rostering me on almost every day, and then CALLING ME on the days I'm not rostered to beg me to fill in for someone who's off sick. I really, sincerely wonder what they do when I can't come in, in a totally non-egotistical way, there just seems to be nobody else to call.
Speaking of the awesomeness that is my life@ the pharmacy, two people resigned this month - my Friday Night Buddy (C), the awesome Matt, and one of the full-time gals, Kate. I realise this isn't an attitude particularly suited to life in general, but I'm going to make a blanket statement - I DO NOT LIKE CHANGE. At all. I'll deal with it, of course, but I reserve the right to quietly sulk during the adjusting period. Matt and I worked most of our shifts together for a year and a half, and at 5 years my junior he became a less annoying version of one of my little brothers, so tell me how his deciding he'd rather a job with a) better shift hours and b) better pay and thus leaving doesn't count as sucky change? And Kate's sort of the 2nd-in-charge at the pharmacy, is a fantastic, bubbly, hilarious person who totally deserves this great new job in a government department, but in a lot of ways she's at the very centre of our group and it's no fun to see her go, either.
So no, not dealing well with all the change. I'm finding myself turning to old loves, in the areas of both books and television, as proof that some things don't change. (Like I'll ever need a therapist, what with all this self-analysing, which I'm sure is healthy.)
I'm re-reading a series by Allison Croggon at the moment, the Books of Pellinor series, and really enjoying it. It's been a few years since I read them, so to me it's almost all fresh and new. I'm often asked (particularly by non-readers) how I re-read things, which seems to me like a ridiculous question, because, really? Why wouldn't you revisit something that you enjoyed reading the first time? Sure, I don't re-read books I didn't enjoy, but books I love I'll regularly come back to; Pride and Prejudice, the Obernewten Chronicles, the Old Kingdom Trilogy, the Twilight Saga (yes!) and plenty more I take immense pleasure in reacquainting myself with yearly or so.
The same goes for TV series. I've actually tried to go for 6 months without watching either Gilmore Girls or Veronica Mars, recently, because my copies of the DVDs had been put into storage while our house was renovated. I ended up (I kid you not) RENTING OUT Gilmore Girls. Paying to watch something I already owned! But these shows, these characters, are like old friends, and will never let you down, in the sense that as you already know how the series goes you can enjoy watching people (fictionality notwithstanding) you care about taking this journey. And, very comforting to immerse yourselves in the predictability of these character's lives when your RL is full of instances of that annoying 'change' thing. Believe me, there are plenty more shows I love, but these two are at the top of my pile, and so this week I've been in Neptune with Ms Mars when I'm not at work, watching her piece together who murdered her best friend, and then unravel the twisted motive behind the bus crash later on.
Also have been reading a fair bit of stunning fic, both in the Merlin and Star Trek Reboot fandoms, which along with the TV and reading is giving me some balance and grounding in the face of having to deal with the real world. Hmm. Speaking of all the excellent fic abounding at the moment, I'm off to check my friends page and find MOAR!! Happy RL all ^_^