Driving through the Cretan countryside, we saw a lot of avocado trees. The coastal plains have a subtropical climate - cool wet winters, hot humid summers - that's ideal for them. The government encourages farmers to grow them, in an effort to diversify the agricultural economy, and they do quite well here. The trees were mainly small (planted in the last few years, most likely), but impressively healthy-looking, and at this season were absolutely covered in blossoms. I was positively sick with envy.
The palace at Knossos was pretty modern by third millennium BC standards. It had light shafts to let the sun into the lower floors, and a drainage system that included a latrine with a sluice to wash down the royal effluvia. The trees around the palace are infested with peacocks, descendants of the ones imported by the Englishman who first excavated the place in nineteen-ought-something.
Strolled around Heraklion a little after lunch. The harbor has a small fort and arsenal built by the Venetians.
Comments 1
The palace at Knossos was pretty modern by third millennium BC standards. It had light shafts to let the sun into the lower floors, and a drainage system that included a latrine with a sluice to wash down the royal effluvia. The trees around the palace are infested with peacocks, descendants of the ones imported by the Englishman who first excavated the place in nineteen-ought-something.
Strolled around Heraklion a little after lunch. The harbor has a small fort and arsenal built by the Venetians.
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