Title - One Thousand Years Pairing: Jack/Ianto Spoilers: COE, EP4 Warning: do not read this unless you have seen COE! contains masive spoilers. A/N: this is fangirl therapy. short fic. i hope you enjoy
You know, from all the fics that have been going on right now after Ianto's death, this is the one I think they could make into the show.
Somehow taking Jack a while to find some sort of cure, but never giving up until he finds something that will bring his Ianto back. And then he'd go back to that moment, to that room, to the 14th body and save him.
Of all the resets and Doctor save the day solutions, yours actually made the most sense. They don't even need to show an older Jack; all they need to show is body disappeared, and we can assume an older Jack snatch him up and they go live happily ever after... ok this is cheesy, I will go with what you said...
Comments 56
Somehow taking Jack a while to find some sort of cure, but never giving up until he finds something that will bring his Ianto back. And then he'd go back to that moment, to that room, to the 14th body and save him.
You did a really good work with this. =)
i almost feel like making an au seaon 4
I'm all for good stories after... well, you know what...
Of all the resets and Doctor save the day solutions, yours actually made the most sense. They don't even need to show an older Jack; all they need to show is body disappeared, and we can assume an older Jack snatch him up and they go live happily ever after... ok this is cheesy, I will go with what you said...
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