this takes forever

Sep 26, 2005 21:59

1. Full name: Joanna Catherine Lucy Kaufmann
2. Nicknames: jojo
3. Birthday: July 5
4. Age: 19
5. Sex: Female
6. Social Security: Give me back my money, bitches!!!
7. Home town: i lived the first half of my life in NJ and the second half in T'ville
8. Where do you live now: Tallahassee
9. Zodiac sign: Cancer
10. What grade are you in and what school do you attend? Sophomore/junior
11. Siblings and their ages: Stephanie, 21
12. Do you get along: Pretty much all the time
13. Pets: our puppy, Dixie
14. Righty or Lefty: Righty
15. Bedtime: 1:30ish.
16. E-mail: Shouldn't you already have it?

*****YOUR LOOKS*****

17. Hair color: Reddish???
18. Eye color: Blue
19. Do u wear contacts or glasses? No way.
20. Do you have any piercings? Duh!
21. Tattoos: It's so soon that I can feel it
22. Scars: tons of them
23. Height: 5' 2"
24. Do you wear any rings: yep. 2 of them
25. What size shoes do you wear: I hate shoes!!! But, if i have to wear them, size 8

*****JUST LATELY*****

26. Drove a car: just got back from subway
27. Met someone: someone new? today. i just started talking to this random girl on the bus.
28. Done laundry: This past weekend. 5 loads of it.
29. Cried: 2 days ago.
30. Wore a skirt: hmm. about 1 month ago. I hate skirts.
31. How are you today? Meh...not feeling well, especially considering the day that I've had.
32. Wearing: jeans, t-shirt
33. Thinking about: everything and nothing
34. What does your hair look like at the moment?: it is up in a messy ponytail thingy
35. What song are you listening to right now?: Black Balloon - GooGoo Dolls
36. What was the last thing you ate and/or drank?: Subway, silly.
37. How is the weather right now?: It is dark right now.
38. Last person you talked to on the phone: Mommy
39. Watching: The boys play a video game
40. What time is it: 10:28


41. Yourself: sometimes
42. Friends: I have a few really good ones
43. Best friends of the opposite sex: most all of my friends are guys...i like it better that way. girls are too catty for me.
44. Santa Claus: nope
45. Tooth fairy: i haven't lost a tooth since....uhh..forever. I haven't seen him in a while.
46. Angels: Yes.
47. Ghosts: meh....
48. Aliens:!
49. God: I would have to be crazy not to.

*****MORE ABOUT YOU*****

50. What are the last four digits of your phone number?: 1598
51. Do you like the person who sent you this? She didnt send it to me. I stole it HAHAHA But yes, I heart her.
52. How do you eat an Oreo? with milk, duh!
53. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be? uhh. periwinkle???
54. Have you ever almost died: Yep. It wasn't so bad.
55. What's the best advice ever given to you: No one can make you feel inferior without your permission
56. Have you ever won any special award: "most likely to set off the fire alarm" and a bunch of scholoarships
57. Do you like to dance? who doesn't?
58. Worst sickness you have ever had: scarlett fever
59. What's the stupidest thing you have ever done: There are so many that I can't pick just one
60. Whats the last CD you bought: I haven't bought a cd in over a year and a half.....i rip it off the internet
61. What sport do you hate the most: GOLF!!!!
62. Place for a dream house: The outskirts of a city
63. How many kids do you want to have: A WHOLE BUNCH!!!
64. Have you ever sprained/broken/fractured a bone: couple of sprains and torn ligaments
65. Who do you tell your dreams to: cody and the biah
66. What are you most scared of: Snakes, spiders, semi trucks (don't ask)
67. How many TV's do you have in your house: 2
68. Do you have your own: no
69. Do you have your own phone line: cell phone count???
70. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: Chester!!!
71. Are you a flirty person: i couldn't survive without flirting
72. Are you shy: never
73. Are you outgoing: hmmm
74. Who is the loudest friend you have: Josh
75. Who is the quietest friend you have: Britney
76. Who looks the worst in the morning: me. ha
77. Who's the messiest eater: cody
78. Who's the slowest eater: John
79. Who's the bossiest: Ilea
80. Who is the 'mom' outta your friends: Ilea
81. Who are the top 3 hottest celebrities? Johnny Depp, Josh Groban, Angelina Jolie
82. Who's the weirdest: Sarah
83. Who is the funniest: Josh
84. Who do you go to for advice: Mom, friends
85. Who do you think about most when you're not online: did you even have to ask
86. Who do you cry with: cody
87. What's the best feeling in the world: being in love
88. When is the last time you cried: Didnt I already answer that?
89. Is cheerleading a sport: No!!!!!
90. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop: you wanna find out?
91. Which came first, the chicken or the egg: who cares, they're both good
92. Root Beer or Dr.Pepper?: Root Beer
93. Vanilla or chocolate: CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!!!!
94. Love or lust: can't you have both?
95. Silver or gold: white gold
96. Have you ever gone skinny-dipping: no....i am sad
97. What's your favorite color: fuckin blue
98. What's your favorite band/singer: Joey Cape and Tonly Sly
99. Who do you dream about: The future
100. Favourite song: Wind in your sail
101. Do you like to sing in the shower: when no one is around
102. Had an imaginary friend: plenty of them
103. Wanted to hook up with a friend: Yeah.
104. Cried during a movie: The Notebook. I sobbed.
105. Had a crush on a teacher: yep
106. What is the first thing you think about when you wake up in the morning: Going back to bed


107. Sleep on your back, stomach or side: side. I curl up with my pillows
108. Adidas, Nike, or Reeboks: Reebocks
109. Croutons or Bacon Bits: Croutons.
110. 2 doors or 4 (on a car): 4
111. Bridges or Tunnels: tunnels are coolness
112. One pillow or two: one
113. Salt or butter flavored popcorn: I friggin hate popcorn
114. Fizzy or still water: uhh...propel water?
115. Red wine or white wine: RED!!!!


117. Rubber Gloves: Cavity check!
118. Disney Character: Mickey
119. Fast Food place: Burger King
120. Board Game: Candy Land
121. Rock: wall
122. Blue: sky
123. Wet: gross
124. Cry: tears
125. Peanut Butter: jelly
126. Hay: horses
127. Paper: pencil
128. Wood: fire
129. Yellow: crayon
130. Laugh: happy
131. Ugly: girl
132. Happy: sad

*****YOU AND LOVE*****

133. Do you believe in love?: Yes.
134. Do you have a girlfriend or a boyfriend?: yes.
135. Do you have crush?: yes
136. Who is your crush? cody
137. Are you sending this to your crush? he will read it
138. Do you believe in love at first sight? maybe.
139. What song do you want played at your wedding: it doesnt matter
140. Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with: that guy God's picked out for me
141. Do you find yourself attractive: never
142. Whats the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?: eyes


145. Good or Bad Boy: Damn. I want a bad boy!!!!
146. Hat or no hat: ehh.
147. Ears pierced or not: dont care
148. Tan or fair: doesn't matter
149. Boxers or briefs: boxer briefs
150. Curly or straight hair? doesn't matter
151. Tall or short: taller than me
152. Six pack or muscular arms: BOTH!
153. Dimples: ok, sure.
154. Stubble or clean shaven: both are fucking sexy
155. Glasses: dont care
156. Smart or dumb: Smart, no dumbass boyfriends for me
157. Dependent or independent: Independent
158. Rugged or sporty: both
159. Studly or cutie: Cute
160. What sport should he play?: any
161. Accent or not: i dont care
162. Your ideal guy: one who loves me for me


184. Took a shower: last night
185. Watched Bambi: um, when i was like 7 or something
186. Got a real letter: my card last week
187. Wished upon a star: all the damn time
188. Asked someone for forgiveness: not that long ago
189. Hugged someone: bout an hour ago
190. Kissed someone: see above
191. Ate something: lunch
192. Called someone: hour ago

*****WHAT IS YOUR..*****

193. Good luck charm: my saint Camillus charm
194. Bedroom like: somewhat clean
195. Favorite Breakfast food: don't eat breakfast
196. Favourite lunch food: sandwich
197. Best thing that happened to you today: woke up


198. Abortion: don't ask
199. Homosexuality: if it feels right, do it
200. Rap: if it has a good beat
201. Classical: JOSH!!!!
202. Oldies: mmm...classic rock, sure.
203. Swing: meh....
204. 80's: effin' love them


205. Lights on/off: Off!!!!
206. Sun, rain or snow: SUN!!!!
207. Mickey D's (McDonalds) or BK (burger king): Burger King
208. Do you like scary movies or happy movies better: Happy. I DONT DO SCARY. EVER.
209. Backstreet boys or N*Sync: N'SYNC forever
210. On the phone or in person: In person, much nicer
211. Summer or winter: both are the best
212. Chocolate or white milk: depends
213. CD or tape: CD.
214. Hugs or kisses: i love them both
215. Cake or pie: Cake.
216. Cats or dogs: Dogs. Puppies!!!
217. Mud or jello wretsling: JELLO!!!!! I wanna do it.
218. Skiing or boarding? I would love to learn either.
219. Day or night: Night.
220. Sunset or sunrise: Sunset.
221. Diamond or pearls: Diamonds

*****YOUR FAVES*****

222. Candy: Reeses
223. Beverage: Propel
224. Cartoon characters: tom and jerry
225. Sport(s): Football
227. Favorite actor or actress: Nicolas Cage, Angelina Jolie
228. Favourite movie: Notebook
229. Tv show: Laguna Beach
230. Favourite food: anything chocolate
231. Ice cream: mint
232. Subject: Religion
233. Shampoo: whatever is in my shower
234. Favourite month: July and December
235. Favourite number: 2
236. Favourite person to talk to online: Rex

*****HAVE YOU EVER..*****

237. Cut your hair yourself: was for ROTC
238. Been on stage: Yes
239. Had a new kids on the block tape: yeah
240. Ever thought an animated character was hot: uhh. no
241. Kept a secret from everyone: of course
242. Been hurt emotionally: Yes.
243. Been in a car accident: 2 of them
244. Put a body part in fire for amusement: yeah. it was so fun.
245. Drank: yep yep yep
246. Smoked: does 4 count???
247. Broke the law: well, there was that time i didnt wear my seatbelt
248. Ran from the cops: No.
249. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble: nope
250. Tried to kill yourself: yeah
251. Made your self throw up: yeah
252. Been in love: yeah
253. Loved someone so much it made you cry: ugh! yes!


254. What is the best "unexpected thing?": a good surprise
255. The most common use for Vasoline: pulling pranks
256. What was the name of your childhood blanket: wooby
257. Have you ever gone skinny-dipping: no, but i want to
258. Who is the last person that you got mail from: mom
259. Have you ever been convicted of a crime?: not yet
260. Make 3 Wishes: I get a lot of sleep tonight, bush gets out of office, and i do what god wants me to.
261. Which stores would you choose to Max your credit card: Aero and the pet store. i wanna puppy so bad!!!
262. What do you do most often when you are bored: get on lj of course

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