Comment anonymously. Tell me anything. How much you hate me, love me, want to have my babies. Tell me your secrets, dreams, fears, something completely random. Tell me stuff!
I thought for a long time what I wanted to write here, and now that I've actually sat down to do it, I can't remember what I wanted to write.
I get discouraged a lot that I'm going to fail at my biggest life goal.
I just want to be happy. I want to be able to smile at someone, and for them to smile back at me, and then kiss me gently on the lips. I want romance and passion. I want love. I want to experience what only my dreams tell me about.
I really wish I had someone to kiss and lay with. Nights are lonely and I don't remember what it was like to cuddle someone I loved.
I keep hitting the ctrl button instead of shift when I capitilize my "i"s and it's getting really really annoying to have my favorite places suddenly pop up.
(I just did it again) but in case I haven't told you enough, I love you.
You are one of the most two-faced people I know, but for some reason, I really think you're a wonderful person anyways. I'm always afraid you will talk smile and be friendly with me and then talk about me the second they leave the room. But hey, I'm paranoid like that. I've always been concerned, perhaps too much so, about what people think about me.
You're very funny. probably the funniest girl I know. And for a while I really wanted to have a crush on you and tried but failed.
I wish I could stop eating all the delicious food that invariably ends up next to me when I'm hungry. I also wish I could feel comfortable around the people I like romantically.
Comments 5
But sprong dibbledy-do. Oranges love you. Cocaktoooos toooo.
And I like squeezing orange peels and watching the oil squirt out. I'm doing that right now.
I get discouraged a lot that I'm going to fail at my biggest life goal.
I just want to be happy. I want to be able to smile at someone, and for them to smile back at me, and then kiss me gently on the lips. I want romance and passion. I want love. I want to experience what only my dreams tell me about.
I really wish I had someone to kiss and lay with. Nights are lonely and I don't remember what it was like to cuddle someone I loved.
I keep hitting the ctrl button instead of shift when I capitilize my "i"s and it's getting really really annoying to have my favorite places suddenly pop up.
(I just did it again) but in case I haven't told you enough, I love you.
You're very funny. probably the funniest girl I know. And for a while I really wanted to have a crush on you and tried but failed.
C'est la vie.
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