Картинки, що сподобалися чи зачепили останнім часом

Oct 18, 2014 22:50

NB Натиснення на картинку веде на першоджерело. Що сподобалося, те й увійшло. Порядок фото у пості - випадковий і нічим не обумовлений. Підписи під картинками - з відповідного джерела.Історичні фото Центрально-Східної Європи шукайте на Фейсбуці.

01. A Ukrainian national flag flies atop the traffic control tower, October 12, 2014. Shamil Zhumatov / Reuters

02. J.R.R Tolkien, looking at flowers. Apparently people hated to go for walks with him because he would stop and look at every tree for like 20 minutes.

03. Lupe Velez

04. Каменец-Подольский на закате

05. Soldiers wearing gas masks while peeling onions at Tobruk, 15 October 1941.



08.British motorcycle dispatch rider takes a message in a Belgian village on 16th October 1914. His Douglas 2.75 horse power solo motorcycle can be seen behind him.


10. A shop owned by an individual of German origin is attacked by a mob in London’s East End, 1915


12. Євреї в Єрусалимі з прапорами відділення Гітлерюгенду, що діяло у Палестині у 1930-ті

13. War in Syria

14. An exhausted American Marine, carrying a machine gun, after the fighting which followed the landings at Cape Gloucester.

15. Canadians Outside the Depot - Siberia, Russia (1919). Painted by Colonel Louis Keene.


17. British troops asleep on the Boulogne quay after arriving in France to join their French and Belgian allies, 1914

18. Japanese Grand Exposition in Commemoration of the Imperial Coronation - Kyoto poster (1928)

19. Alphonse (Alfons) Mucha (1860-1939) was a prolific Moravian painter of the late 19th and early 20th Centuries and a key figure in the Art Nouveau movement.




23. Mittenwald violin maker, Upper Bavaria, 1925 (с) Paul W. John

24. Thor Heyerdahl on board of the Kon-Tiki raft, in 1947

25. British “Desert Rats”, North Africa.

26. Women from Belarus in traditional folk costumes.

27. Боец фрайкора спит за простреленной в уличных боях со спартаковцами стеклянной витриной. Сложно сказать, постановочное ли фото, но интересно взглянуть на инвентарь, особенно на лежащий прям под руку то-ли штык, от ли траншейный нож....

28. Vintage British travel poster - Scotland, Highlands and Islands

29. An Austrian Jagdkommando dropping from 10,000 ft with an explosives sniffing dog

30. Stokes mortar on early pattern mounting in action in a trench on the Balkan Front

31. Стрелок из Вазиристана - населенной пуштунскими племенами "Зоны Племен", находящейся на территории современного Пакистана, фото 1950-х годов...Обратите внимание на чайник - в этом засушливом регионе вода не менее важна для ведения боевых действий, чем оружие и боеприпасы, существовала даже воинская специальность "водонос".

32. Tokyo metropolitan railway system

33. This carp’s jaw appears to have dropped in surprise at being suddenly plucked from its home pond and whisked away to be this osprey’s fish supper by Marius Cepulis Nature Photography

34. "Kidnapped male and female children, totaling forty one, being held in foster homes, Lam Hing Lan Company, Recovered from ship in open seas. Customs detention of 23 kidnappers", 1904

35. Badass motorcycle chariots - celebration of New South Wales police in Australia in 1936




39. Lieutenant Colonel George S. Patton in France, standing in front of a Renault FT tank, summer of 1918.

40. Opposing team captains Norm Provan and Arthur Summons embrace after the 1963 Australian rugby league final.

41. Learning climbing by Rob Jannе

42. Albert and Elsa Einstein in Japan, 1922



45. Siberian Tiger Licking Its Paw by Konrad Wothe

46. USMC war dog “Caesar von Steuben” is x-rayed by Navy corpsmen after being wounded on patrol during the fight for Bougainville.

47. Sparrowhawk by Julian Rad

48. Питер Деннис. Солдаты “Чёрной Стражи” штурмуют египетские траншеи на Тель-эль-Кебир в 1882 году.

49. 2nd Lieutenant Robin Martin (foreground) with Rifleman O’Reilly of 1st Royal Green Jackets, man a street barricade in Belfast during the Battalion’s first tour of duty in Northern Ireland. The tour lasted from 20 August - 18 December 1969.

50. A Red Fox Mother And Her Pup by Norbert Rosing

51. Король Великобритании Георг VI съезжает с горки, 1938

52. Montmartre, Paris, 1952 - Photo by Robert Capa

53. Two snipers of the German Armed Forces

54. Russian Interior Ministry members stand guard as Muslims attend an Eid al-Adha mass prayer in Moscow

55. A Canadian of the joint American-Canadian landing force with a Japanese machine gun found in a trench on Kiska Island/16 August 1943

56. Kiss for mom by San Diego Zoo Global

57. Sigrid Skau, a 23 year old girl from Oslo, helps Leading Aircraftman James Shorter carry milk churns to the kitchen of a Royal Air Force station of 88 Group near Oslo. Many Norwegian girls assisted with cooking duties on Royal Air Force bases in the absence of members of the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force (WAAF)

58. Japanese soldiers demonstrate the use of a Japanese War Tuba, Japan 1932

59. J. C. Leyendecker 1932

60. Evil Snowy Owl Staredown by Daniel Cadieux

61. Thomas Edison takes a nap under a tree while camping with President Harding in the Blue Ridge Mountains, July, 1921



64. Настя Пасько, 12 років, місто Вишневе. Цілий рік збирала гроші на велосипед, а віддала їх на підтримку української армії.

65. 1937 - Chinese soldier found time to talk to a little boy immediately before the Japanese advance drove the defenders from Nantao, Shanghai

66. Aero L-39Cs of the Latvian Baltic Bees air display team.


68. Queen Elizabeth driving her children Prince Charles and Princess Anne in Windsor, Berkshire, 1957



71. Карпатська осінь


73. Samurai helmet (kabuko) shaped like an octopus. About 18th century, Japan.


75. "Photoshop" in the 1930s

76. Japan the Target, a pictorial map made by Ernest Dudley Chase, 1942


78. 1968. Клаудия Кардинале в фильме “Однажды на диком западе”

79. "Thor’s Battle with the Giants" by Carl Johan Bonnesen, 1926. This colossal sculpture group is currently located in Odense, Denmark.

80. The first anthropomorphic diving suit. Invented by Alphonse and Theodore Carmagnolle of Marseilles, France, circa 1882.

81. Armor of an Officer of the Imperial Palace Guard, China 18th century

82. artwork by Jakub Różalski

83. Carl Sundt-Hansen.The captain’s wife, 1895



Дякую усім, хто дякує, і прошу вибачити, якщо не відповім персонально (бракує часу)
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