Otherwise: Speculative Poetry

Feb 28, 2007 22:03

I'm self-publishing a chapbook for fun. It's called Otherwise: speculative poetry and contains "Cherries for Buttons," "Muffler Men and Uniroyal Girls," "Muffler Men Revisited," "Sister, I'm Telling You," "Waiting to Happen," "We're Still Girls," "The Greening," "Last Will and Testament," "The Rainy Season," "The Bather," "No Words," "The Translator," "The Undead in Hospital" and "Mirror Points."

It'll become available on Friday March 9, and it'll cost US$3, plus $1 shipping for domestic orders ($2 for shipping outside North America). If you pre-order, the shipping is free - email me for my address and send me a cheque, or PayPal me three American dollars (to joannemerriam@gmail.com). Don't forget to give me your mailing address.

This applies to pre-orders from anywhere in the world. What the heck.
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