Hetalia Meme - Day 2

Mar 20, 2011 13:34

While I have a spare peaceful moment~

There's nobody in Hetalia that I hate. I used to get sick of hearing about the Nordics, but after writing a crack!badfic about them, I realized I quite like the dynamic those guys have going on.

So I'm going to go with the character who bugs me the most.

Surprised? Why would I be annoyed by Canada?

Simple...because I remember those girls in school who were popular, did awesome projects and charity work, had perfect handwriting, never drank or fucked around, and above all were nice people that I had no reason to be mad at.

I never got mad at them, either, but...it felt bad, seeing someone right in front of me who had no visible faults.

Okay, so Canada isn't THAT perfect, but he's just like a better version of America. America tries so hard, with all his loudness and raging douchery, and he does come out on top, but Canada wins morally because he isn't a douchebag at all. That is amazing to me.
Buuuuuuut, can't hate him. Not really. :)

1. Your favorite character
2. Your least favorite character
3. Character you’d date
4. Character you’d like to go shopping with
5. Character you’d like as your child
6. Character who would probably be your rival
7. Character you have most in common with
8. Character you look like the most
9. Character you’d bring home to your parents
10. Character you’d never bring home to your parents
11. Character you’d become best friends with
12. Character with your favorite voice/seiyuu
13. Character you’d go camping with
14. Character you wouldn’t mind being roommates with
15. Character you’d want to cook for you
16. Character you wouldn’t mind prancing naked for you
17. Your OTP
18. Character you wouldn’t mind having as a parent
19. Character you’d like to go karaoke with
20. Character you wouldn’t mind having as your butler/maid
21. Character you’d have in your party if you were in a RPG
22. Another OTP of yours
23. Your favorite character of the opposite gender of #1
24. Character with your favorite uniform/outfit
25. Character who would be your band-mate if you were in a band
26. Character you wouldn’t mind having as your boss
27. Character you wouldn’t want to run into in a dark alley
28. Character you’d want personified into a dog
29. Character you’d want personified into a cat
30. Character you’d want to cosplay as

i'm hungry, hetalia, tag

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