I can read you like I can read all the things that I didn't actually read in 2015

Jan 02, 2016 08:53

What a pitiful year. My total is 23 -- if I count two Biblical books!

It was an unusually busy one. Also, I was silly: I kept starting multiple books but not sticking through till the end.

I reckon next year's count will be quite a bit higher if only because I'm finishing up all the ones I'm in the middle of.

Also, in my defense: One of the ones I'm in the midst of is Les Miserables. Man, it's a long one! (And for a while, I was trying to read each chapter first in English and then in French. I've been moving a LOT faster since I abandoned that project. And what a great book.)

Novels Supposedly Written for the Young'uns, with Various Degrees of Success in Making Them Their Actual Fanbase

1. Paradox (A.J. Paquette)
2. Taran, Wanderer (Lloyd Alexander)
3. The High King (Lloyd Alexander)
4. Anita of Rancho Del Mar (Elaine F. O'Brien)
5. The Ear, the Eye, and the Arm (Nancy Farmer)
6. The Revealers (Doug Wilhelm)
7. The Grey King (Susan Cooper)
8. Over Sea, Under Stone (Susan Cooper)
9. The Friends (Rosa Guy)
10. The Dark is Rising (Susan Cooper)

Big Ole Serious Adult Novels

1. O Pioneers! (Willa Cather)
2. (re-read) The Bell Jar (Sylvia Plath)
3. The Shadow of the Wind (Carlos Ruiz Zafón, tr. Lucia Graves)
4. What This River Keeps (Greg Schwipp)
5. The Bloodletter's Daughter (Linda Lafferty)


1. Conversations with My Agent (Rob Long)
2. The Gravediggers (Phyllis Schlafly)
3. Pillars of Ethiopian History: African History Notebook (William Leo Hansberry, Ed. Joseph E. Harris)
4. What Great Teachers Do Differently: 14 17 Things That Matter Most (Todd Whittaker)

Devotional (including re-reads)

1. The Book of Job (anonymous genius poet)
2. First Letter to the Corinthians (Paul)
3. A Testament of Devotion (Thomas R. Kelly)
4. Papal Encyclicals: Pius XII, 1939-1958 (Pius XII)

Articles/Short Stories

1. They Called Him Father Gus: The life and times of Augustine Tolton, First Black Priest in the U.S.A. (Father Roy Bauer) -- Among other things, I learned of the Urban College of the Propagation of the Faith in Rome.
2. "North" (Aria Beth Sloss)
3. "Storm Windows" (Charles Haverty)
4. "Bursk's Cutting Board" (Scott Cheshire)
5. "And Then Someone Came From So Very Far Away" (Ann Beattie)
6. "Mothers, Tell Your Daughters" (Bonnie Jo Campbell) -- pretty good
7. "Safety" (Lydia Fitzpatrick) -- also pretty good
8. "All Lateral" (Matt Sumell) -- equally pretty good while also making me laugh a few times, unlike the other two, which were unbroken seriousness
9. "That Summer, '53" (Victoria Redel)
10. "Rites" (Matthew Baker) -- two thumbs up
11. "Things I Know to be True" (Kendra Fortmeyer)
12. "The Pole of Cold" (Erika Krouse) -- this one was my favorite, perhaps as it reminded me of one of my best friends (it was all about Russia! and men! and things more important to the heart than men!), to whom I immediately mailed the story

#2-12 are all from One Story.


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