This weather reminds me of the August day Doodle was born (almost 10 years ago now)...beautiful blue sky with puffy white clouds, cool breezes, etc....NOT your typical Philly August weather.
We dropped Doodle off for a playdate and had brunch alone you know how rare that is? I know
sarasusa will say she would be happy to babysit any time, but it's always so hard to coordinate everyone's time for one thing, and for another, if she's free we'd rather spend time with her!
So after brunch, Rupel went off to his office...he has only about 2 more weeks there before going on to the new job, so he has to clean stuff out, etc. I'm going to try to get stuff done here. I have made a lot of progress on my
goal_posts goals, but it's funny...whatever the brain glitch is that makes it hard to get stuff done, also makes it hard to not obsess about a project once I've started it, even if it's to the detriment of other things that also need doing (including getting outside to enjoy this weather!). Well, no sense regretting long as some form of positive progress on any front is being made, that's the important thing.
I'm going to have to do another entry later today to fulfill my goals of doing 2 posts this week, so I will stop now and save more musings for later.