Random kendo log

May 13, 2016 13:18

because my sempais are love. <3

This is my random kendo log for 12th May 2016, Tuesday!

So, to recap, Shawn moved to Toronto, which BOOOO!!! But is coming back to Mtl often for both Sammy, and also kendo, which, yay! So Shawn shows up on Tuesday, which yay! :3

I came in a tad late, cos, work. But that was ok! There were plenty of peeps that day cos MKC folks and sempai's/sensei's too. Omg. I was soooo happy to see Shawn, it was sad lols. But! There were like, ALL the sensei's, including Tuna-san, Akane, Loic, Sensei, Alex and Thu-nhon, which, is pretty much ALL the sensei's. Lols. Then also there was like, JJ, Thomas, Carlos, Andrew, Shawn and a bunch of kids. XD Eli too, of course, and Ruby. Whew, it WAS a party.

I joined in pretty quickly, and it was a good round of kihon, and the funniest part, was that when I joined the line, there was a rotation line-up for me of Martina, Akane, Tuna, then Andrew, and I was just thinking, 'huh it'd be nice for a mawari-keiko now', but then I got past Andrew by kihon, and THEN Loic calls for mawari-keiko, LOLS. I was just like 'whyyyyyyyy??' (Because after it's mostly beginners, though I did fight Loic and Sensei :P )

Speaking of Andrew. XD Hahahaha, so I got him for kihon, and the drill for that one was for tsuki, and I had no opinion on that, cos, I don't actually remember what his tsuki was like? (Of course, everytime I get Andrew I always get stressed lols, cos he always have some sort of expectations but hey, in the recent years it didn't matter as much anymore, go me. :P ) Anyways, so it was really funny, but from the start I could tell that he seemed distracted, unnaturally so, but hey, none of my business, so I focused and did my tsuki's, and bam, I'm proud of myself, I got the first 3 no problem. The last one, I wanted to try katate-tsuki, and didn't really expect it to land (next time, believe it gurl!), and it didn't lols.

Then it was Andrew's turn, and he missed. THREE times. Lols. The funniest thing is that, I could tell he was distracted kays, first time I've ever quite seen Andrew flustered. Well, past couple times we keiko-ed he was just having too much fun, but that's normal, other sempais do that too, sometimes. :P This was just plain distraction. Usually it's Shawn who misses tsuki, but Shawn goes straight into frustration lols. Andrew was more sheepish/embarrassed than anything else, it was reaaaaally funny. XD Hahah, I was nice and tried not to laugh at him, though at one point, I nearly wanted to go "Sempai, focus!" XD In encouragement, of course. :P But eh, hahahaha figured I probably shouldn't do that. But he centered himself for the last one, and got a very nice tsuki in, so good job, yondan-sempai. XD Hahah funny. (Not gonna let him live it down for a bit :3 )

We did mawari keiko, then a bit of ojiwaza, then jikeiko. Lols, I ran for Shawn, but for the first time, there were already TWO people in front of me, and Ruby just hehe-ed at me when I gave her a face. XD <3 But! Because of Shawn's popularity, Tuna was all free! Woohoo!! :D So I managed to keiko Tuna, who kept me for quite a while, as always, thank you Tuna. He's really training training me now, for which I am grateful. Then after, cos we didn't have much time anyways, I grabbed Martina, and that was quite a short keiko, and none of us landed any points I think. (Though! Last prac I keiko-ed her, I managed to get quite a couple points off during 3bon. It was a good keiko though!)

So for legit kendo pointers, didn't get tooooo many this time around, but got one REALLY interesting one from Thu-nhon, whom I got for gyaku-do practice.

So when I did gyakudo, I realize that I'm always a tad slow, ie. my opponent always manages to hit me, cos I don't get out of the way fast enough. (Thu-nhon was so cute, he was laughing at me after XD cos he literally easily hits men all 4 times, even though I did get his gyakudo) For Thu-nhon though, I noticed that he easily moves out of the way, ie. I couldn't hit men on him. (Though his hits ARE lighter, I find.)

He suggests that I try moving with my left foot, instead of my right, and it really did seem to make a difference??

I'mma observe Shawn next time when he does it. Cos I feel like I use the right just for additional power/snap. But if I can do all that with my left foot, I'm so gonna kill this. :3


Hahah, this is gonna be random points, but looooves anyways.

When I was putting away my bogu, Natalie spots me, and her face lights up and she goes "Melisss!" or "Joce!!" (I can't remember) and comes skipping/running over, and I'm like "Hiii!!" and she seizas next to me to give me a hug/cuddle.
And my heart melts <3

Eric was around and we were talking about the bible study thingy with Sung. XD And apparently she reaaaaaaaaaaally likes me and wants me to join? But Andrew was standing around there, and at one point, Eric was like "He's single. She's single. So why not get together, ya know?" Or something to that effect.
And me, I went, "Hey, why didn't you offer me?"
(And the look on both Andrew's and Eric's faces. LOLS. Sorry boys. I didn't quite realize what that sounded like till after. XD Eric's look was 'did she just --' and Andrew's was like 'uuuuh, oh gaaah')

Anaad continued, "She's single. I'm single. You know!" *waggles eyebrows*

So I went to bow to sensei for keiko, and he was like "Did you try out for women's this time?" And I'm like "No sensei...I'm leaving for America, remember?" Sensei pauses, looks at me and says, "Are you making me cry?" and I go, "Oh nooo, sensei, I'm the one crying too!" and he's like "Ok, we can cry together". XD
(And then he was like, "You have to tell me all about it later, when drinking." And me, "-pause- ok sensei!" ...and didn't end up going for drinks... Sorry sensei!! I told you about this before though?)

Hahah aww Elliott!! <3
So I bump into him after and I go, as always, "Elliooo~~tt~" hahahaha, and he's like "heeey!!" and I'm like "I didn't get to fight you today!" and he's like "Yeah, I missed you! Why didn't you fight me??" and I'm like "Oh, I went to line up for Shawn, but he had two people lining up for him already, then when I went to look for you, you were already taken!"
Elliott sniffed and said, "That just sounds like a bad excuse! I'm sad! Shawn's replaced me in your heart! What's so good about Shawn anyways? He's boooring!"
I was just like "Aww~", heart melts a lil but but cos it's Shawn, I say, "Don't say thaaat. Shawn's not boring. But! I guess you're more exciting....?"
Elliott's all like, "Shawn's too perfect! He has no flaws!"
Then pause, and he continues, "Wait, that's not true. He has too many flaws. And bad habits."
Haha, I laugh and I say, "I guess you're the only one who can say that." XD

Shawn insert
I went up to Shawn after randomly (Aww, he asked if I could go drinking or if my parents are not gonna let me. He was the only one who asked if I could, rather than just coerce me. That made me happy, for some reason. Uri oppa.) and told him, "Oppa, Elliott just said that you had a lot of flaws." And Shawn just looks at me like "huh?" And because that didn't work, I told him, "It's because Elliott's sad that you have replaced him in my heart." Shawn's still like 'huh?' so I explained further, "Cos I didn't line up for him and lined up for you instead." And Shawn was just, "But, I thought there's always space for me in your heart."
I lol-ed so hard, and said, "Of course there is!" then, "this is getting kinda weird..." XD

Random random randomness. :3 But, so many tiny morsels and tidbits that I don't want to forget, so :3

kendo log, daily diary, kendo pointers, kendo, randomness

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