After leaving the Aquarium we walked across the courtyard to the Coke Museum and spent another two hours wandering around in there. You can read about
our full adventures on my journal...
But here are some shots of JoCo enjoying the museum. He was wise and did NOT try the Beverly.
Joco poses in front of the Coke museum
Joco shares a coke with Dr. Pemberton
A Toast! (A Toast!!) - Oh, wait, that's PubSing.
Joco amidst the coke bottles
Joco in front of the Coke barrell
I overheard some people behind us commenting on the bear photography as we struggled to balance JoCo on the bar. I wanted to set him on the barrel, but I chickened out since the area was cordoned off. We ended up giving up on trying to balance him, so you can see Monkey's hand in the background. The couple, meanwhile, decided that the bear must belong to our child who for some reason couldn't make it on the trip so we brought his favorite toy. I think they watch too many commercials. :)
Joco sits on the Idol couch
We did not get a golden ticket. On the bright side, our pants were not on the ground, so we didn't look like a fool.
Joco carries a torch.
If only I'd realized the torch was labeled! You can barely see the Olympic logo near the top of the torch. That thing is heavy! I feel for the runners now. When the women in front of us noticed us taking this picture she got all excited and doubled back so that she could get a picture with the torch, too. It was cute. :D A note about my hair - please realize it was raining out!!!