You heard it folks, more mediocre poetry hot off the presses...thanks to meghan for leading me to ramble down this particular road...
They say truth is beauty and
truth/beauty is love,
And they say beauty is embodied in the
stars above, or maybe in the baby's
bootie, knit from love
They say truth is beauty, beauty love,
and that these are all cut from the same
cloth of life that make up each and
every below and above
They rumor truth to be beauty, love,
light, and that these things provide
natural light, to illuminate the proper
path of life lest we stumble, fall, and
lose ourselves while without the truth,
beauty, love light
They say truth is beauty and beauty is
love, ans it all provides light, but why
is do we confront a world that's covered
in blight, where might makes right...but
I thought the way of the right was the
way of the light, in which case the
might is the light and I want to be
blind b/c what the hell kind of truth is
that to find?
They say truth is beautiful, love, when
it's shining it's light, and the power
of love truly exudes might, so maybe
might is right, and the right thing is
to love...and oh how the mighty have
fallen, but we can offer them a hand,
and help them to stand, and where we
help to restore one there will a beacon
of light, mightily doing that which is
right, loving all life