(no subject)

Aug 24, 2004 18:29

I love doing these. whenever I need a good survey, I can always count on zennee . now on to my favorite thing... [First job]: 1991 at the mall. i got lots of chicks but if i knew then what i know now, could have been so many more. I was such a mallrat.
[First screen name]: same as current on aol, MTLP3
[First funeral]: Death bothers me too much to talk about it
[First pet]: I dont like pets
[First piercing]: Ears.
[First tattoo]: the homemade cross my dad gave me
[First kiss]: Teresa Thornhill when I was 15. She is a hooker now.
[First enemy]: Every one loves me
[First favorite musician]: Quiet Riot in 1983

[Last car ride]: Today
[Last kiss]: Probably Erin but who knows
[Last movie watched]: Billy Jack
[Last Beverage]: Grandpa's kentucky cough remedy
[Last food consumed]: Pizza Hut
[Last phone call]: It was either the Dali Lama or The Pope
[Last time showered]: 8 a.m. tuesday morning, which was 10 hours ago.
[Last CD played]: Gov't Mule Live
[Last website visited]: BadCompany.com
[Lesson learned]: Don't eat yellow snow

[Single or Taken]: Single, only because I am not emotionally stable in relationships
[Sex]: Yes, i do enjoy it
[Birthday]: September 16 1975
[Sign]: Virgo
[Siblings]: Yes 1 sister
[Hair color]: Dark brown or maybe black, who knows
[Eye color]: Brown because I am full of shit
[Shoe size]: 12, and you know what they say about a mans shoe size!
[Height]: 7 ft. 4in. or maybe 6 ft. I cant really tell
[Mood]: calm for now but ask me again in 5 minutes
[City you're in]: Podunk other wise known as jerkwater u.s.a.

Right now what are you...
[Supposed to be doing instead of this]: nothing. this is mike time right now. I am off the clock
[Wearing]: 3 piece custom made armoni suit, with guicci loafers, and a rolex. stylin' and profilin'. although some people think it looks like cut off jeans and a black t shirt
[Drinking]: Jim Beam
[Thinking about]: Everything from Emily, to not being able to pay for reapairs on my car to running the show at my job soon..
[Listening to]: Right Now by Van Halen but that is getting ready to change
[About to do]: Take another drink of Kentucky sippin' whisky
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