The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly (long post)

Mar 20, 2006 15:09

I'm off for four days, so I'm cleaning up around the house. I am also attempting to go through all my unmarked cd's. I popped in one and it was the Cure's Dallas Curiosa show. I felt like a happy little school girl when Robert said, "When a sign is that beautifully made, how can I ignore it" right before they played M. My wife and I had held up the sign the whole concert. mirai had been holding up a Like Cocatoos sign. It brought a smile to my face.

I've started watching tv shows on DVD that I ignored when they first started. This is tough because by the time I finish one season the show has already been on for six weeks. I then have to download the episodes off the internet. I've finally caught up to current Veronica Mars episodes. I just finished season one of Battlestar Galactica. I'm still on Season one of Smallville and Firefly. I know there was only one season of Firefly, but I want to finish it before seeing the Serenity movie. I'm going to start the West Wing soon.

I recently received a promotion at work. I took the promotion because I want to be able to transfer to the Austin Wells Fargo sometime in the future. I would't be able to do that with previous position. My cousin had the position before me and he left to be a Texas Highway Patrolman. His heart wasn't really into training me and the supervisors had him working on a project before he left. So, my training was half-assed and I was really frustrated the first two weeks. It finally came to a head last week when I told my boss I was quitting. I felt like the work was getting away from me. She gave me a long lecture about not focusing on the good things I've done. She tried to say that I didn't appreciate all the help I was receiving from my co-workers (which I told her was not true). She also said that I hadn't been asking for help or asking questions. I told her that I felt I had, but wasn't receiving any help. She told me I had a chip on my shoulder and was taking things wrong. You can ask for help at my job, but you will always be made to feel stupid for asking certain questions. If you try to call them on it, they deny it and say, "You misunderstood". It doesn't pay to speak up, but I'm glad I did because I slept so good that night. I came back the next day and said I wasn't going to quit, but I would need help. They took some of the work away from me and it has helped. However, now I'm not supposed to do the other work even if I have the time. We'll see what happens. I hope they have a tough week without me because I always wory that I'll go back to work and they'll say they don't need me.

Now for the Ugly part of this post. My dad has been accused of "offensive touching" by a woman he knows. The policeman that came to give him the citation said it was a misdemeanor offense like a speeding ticket. He just needed to pay the fine and be done with it. My father is very secretive and private. I didn't expect him to tell me every detail, but he told me more than I thought he would. He said, "I'm not an innocent in this. I put myself in a bad situation and realise it was a mistake. He said this woman asked to speak with him. They went for a ride, parked and talked. He wouldn't elaborate other than to imply this woman was looking for a new sugar daddy to replace her old one. I hate to speculate, but I believe my dad either messed around with this woman or misread her signals and made an unwanted pass at her. My dad is involved in local politics and like any other political person he has made enemies. Anywhere else, this would be a non-issue. But here in Waco, this has been front page news almost everyday. They even ran the story on tv. There are people who want my dad fired from his job as Executive Director of the Waco Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. They've wanted him out for about 2 years now. This issue is now their chance to get him fired. The Waco Tribune ran a story that made it sound like my dad raped this woman. The story claims my dad drove this woman to the park and attacked her. The case went from being like a traffic ticket to waiting for trial next month. No woman should have to put up with unwanted advances. If my dad is guilty of that, then he should pay the consequences. However, the personal attacks against my father is politically motivated. Waco isn't that big and I know people are talking about my dad behind my back. It's been tough. The Chamber held new board elections last week and all of my dad's supporters were elected. His enemies tried to ask for his resignation, but "Point of Order" was quickly called and they were squashed. So, my dad still has his job, but the trial is next month. My dad said he might retire after his birthday in October.

Sorry, for the long post. I just had to get it off my chest.
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