Mike Jach, reincarnate?

Oct 16, 2006 14:23

Ugh I am so nauseous. It feels like I'm on a 100 of morphine. Ugh. Damn meds. Anyways..... I happened to come across this photo of Joey Zak from Marashino... i know this is going to sound crazy, but he looks *just* like Mike Jach... in the flesh, in the future. Check it out:


NOW compare those two pics. It sent chills down my spine the first time I saw it.

I also found a pretty funny anecdote on what happened during the great MySpace outage of 2006:

Five things you did while MySpace was down
October 11th, 2006 --> by Merlin -->
  1. repeatedly checked progress of floppy emo forelock
  2. wrote lengthy longhand list of "friends"; "de-friended" each by means of vigorous horizontal pen strokes
  3. idly doodled "Dr. and Mrs. Good Charlotte" in margins of your Consumer Math book
  4. cutting
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