Alright, for those of you who don't read all my stuff on Twisting the Hellmouth and/or have FR21 stories hidden, I have a story where Dawn and Kit are hookers, circa Season 7 or so. It's a fairly odd fic, featuring Dawn/A-Team, Dawn/tentacles, Dawn/Kit, Dawn/Giles, and other really odd shit. And we've got more odd shit planned. But... I've just been made more aware than ever that there are some really weird people reading my stuff. From a private email, spelling and grammar and the like edited for your own sanity:
Ehm, i know it's a "Dawn" fic but any chance of Larry needing a guy for his demoness clientele? And have Dawn say that she knows a real demon magnet? And having her and Kit persuade Xander that he really should become their co-worker? And have the Illyria from Trigamy become one of his regulars? And definitely have him break up with Anya? Please?
Jesus assfucking Moses, where do I even begin on that one? Other than the fact that Larry maintains a stable of underage prostitutes, and that Xander would probably beat Larry senseless in the process of 'rescuing' Dawn from her 'horrible plight'? Or the fact that Dawn in this is a junior in high school and the future Dawn we've seen in Trigamy (that is the future self of the Hooker!Dawn) is 21 and so when Illyria went home with that Dawn, that's four or five years in the future? I get that people have their favorite characters, I really do. But he admits the story is a Dawn story. The title of the story is
NUDE DAY DAWNING and her name is sprinkled liberally in the summary, so it's kind of hard to miss that much. Why the hell would I want to write Xander into a costarring or superior role?
I'm going to go back to bugging Theresa to make that manip of Veronica Mars for me...