Exactly why the garages charge so much. They know you need your car, and can't drive it without the repair. The labor alone was $200, and they only had the car a total of maybe 2 hours from the time I dropped it off to the time I picked it up. They couldn't have been working on it that entire time since there were other cars on the lifts when I took the car there.
Comments 6
They know you need your car, and can't drive it without the repair.
The labor alone was $200, and they only had the car a total of maybe 2 hours from the time I dropped it off to the time I picked it up. They couldn't have been working on it that entire time since there were other cars on the lifts when I took the car there.
I think a new car for me would have to involve a winning lottery ticket first.
I guess I'm just not keeping up on how expensive things are getting. I think if my bill had come to $800, I might have fainted.
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