http://community.livejournal.com/joinspree/75315.html 25 March 2008
Refunds made!
To Account POSB Savings
048-44441-5 timelesslullaby_cr
Amount S$21.53
Transaction Reference 1629451979
To Account POSB Savings
030-41486-1 tinklelove_cr
Amount S$47.61
Transaction Reference 1629452768
To Account POSB Savings
228-44044-2 basiclinees
Amount S$37.40
Transaction Reference 1629453544
To Account DBS Savings Plus
002-0-059790 iheartmybaby_cr
Amount S$15.86
Transaction Reference 1629453992
To Account POSB Savings
003-53293-3 amberjewels
Amount S$20.40
Transaction Reference 1629454539
To Account DBS Savings Plus
063-0-007996 freya_cr
Amount S$34.00
Transaction Reference 1629454967
To Account POSB Savings
038-54068-8 MODDISHH-cr
Amount S$37.40
Transaction Reference 1629455434
To Account POSB Savings
014-24607-0 ting_yi_cr
Amount S$21.53
Transaction Reference 1629455898
To Account POSB Savings
138-25132-2 xunfazedx_cr
Amount S$18.14
Transaction Reference 1629456820
18 March 2008
I called up Charlotte Russe today and they told me that the authorization hold should be done by my local bank instead of them. I will be calling DBS tmr instead. Sorry for the hold up.
I called up DBS and they said that the authorization hold would only be lifted 6 days later. Look forward to your refunds 6 days later people! Thanks!
16 March 2008
Trying my very best to get the money back!
15 March
Spree cancelled, however, my debit card amount is being "locked" away and I am unable to refund you guys. So sorry, I have emailed Charlotte Russe about it, and they seem to ignore my emails. I WILL REFUND the money, as soon as they released it!!!!
11 March 2008, Tuesday
Orders are rejected, hence, I have placed the new orders with CGW already. 5% fee applies. Will update when CGW replies.
10 March, Monday
Orders are placed, shipped via vpost. No 5% fee.