Since "Dexter", "Doctor Who" and "Torchwood" won't be starting up again for some time (Torchwood is SO CLOSE) I need a non-anime show to watch, so I just started downloading season one of "True Blood". I like Anna Paquin, so that's the one thing drawing me towards it right now. I really liked Buffy, but that doesn't reflect my feelings towards
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Comments 7
YUMMY KEG!! ::drools::
I think you'll totally love True Blood so GO GO GO! You know how naysayers are on these things. Oh, and there's lotsa blood & a bit of gore - enjoy!
The Closer is AMAZING
LAWL, I love Anna Paquin buuut True Blood bites ass
If she's in the scene, it's AWESOME
But if she's off-camera, the show becomes preeeetty worthless
Try Curb Your Enthusiasm.
You have a few seasons to catch-up on but it's worth it
OH. ALSO, Pushing Daisies!!
Fnkdsfdnsjkamfds IT'S SO GOOD
And megathumbsup to True Blood... especially seeing Jason shirtless repeatedly is a treat for the eyes that anyone who finds guys attractive cannot pass up!
I really wish I liked Curb your Enthusiasm. I tried superhard to get into it, but I guess it's just not my cup of tea :(.
Jason shirtless is .. all right.
Not my cup of tea @.@
And season one of PD is fanTAStic
I stopped watching at about episode 4 or 5. But Sarah convinced me to watch it again and I am so thankful for that. It got really good. It was much easier to watch when I would watch it on demand.
Now I have to wait to watch it every Sunday at 9pm. Fuck that haters of this show. Give it a shot.
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