Sad Boy is gone but with everything happening it feels like small potatos. Like what's a year and a half when someone is gone all the way gone. Roman and I didn't always get on the best because well... Sometimes he could be a dick, but i spent a part of every week at his house, interacting with him and always always loving his daughter. So it's been sad, on top of feeling like I can't do enough for poor Daniel and Foxlit who are hurting more than anyone in this whole mess.
But now Sad Boy is gone too and where does that leave me? He's not dead, he didn't even want to end things with me but I had to do what was right for me and if he hadn't been lying to me for months then maybe we could make it work, and fix things. So for right now Monster and I moved out, and we're staying with Daniel and Foxlit until i can sort things out, get my name off the lease, that we only just signed. Get the rest of my stuff out of the house too.
The only good thing is that it's soon going to be snow season again and I'll be able to teach Foxlit how to ski this year now that she's walking. I think i'm going to look forward to whats coming and try not to focus on the shit show.